Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sowell Explains Basic Economics

An invaluable source on free market economic theory, Dr. Thomas Sowell joins FOX News Sean Hannity for a frank discussion on the current economic climate in America.

Certainly, it was a welcomed development the current tax structure was voted to be kept in place. This is otherwise incorrectly known and an extension of the Bush tax cuts. Once Wall Street became convinced this would happen, the markets responded positively, including a better than expected increase in private sector hiring.

Unfortunately, due to the continued efforts of the Obama administration to expand regulation and government control, most notably in the financial, health care and energy sectors, the economy will continue to be handicapped and unable to operate at full potential.

As Dr. Sowell commented, the kind of big government control currently being exhibited was unfathomable just 20 years ago. Big government control and Keynesian economic theory, proven unsuccessful time after time, needs to be placed in the dust bin of history once and for all.

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