It depends on what side of the fence you sit on but Uncle Sam's gears are being grinded.
If you are a Progressive, big government is the answer in the form of top down government control over the citizenry, you have to be impressed what President Obama has accomplished.
The transformation is taking place.Free market capitalists, who subscribe to Reagan's philosophy that government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem, are sick to the stomach at the destruction of the system of government and economic system our forefathers envisioned under the command of President Obama. Hence, the Tea Party.
Lest there be no doubt, if we are to be a free market based country of hard work ethic, integrity and a desire to compete and succeed, the efforts of President Obama will go down ranking among the worst administrations in our short history. Who could have ever imagined we would be longing for the days of Jimmy Carter?
It would be great if we could just vote Obama out and get our life back. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, as few of our citizens can really grasp their arms around the depth of the issues surrounding our nation.
The problems are so deeply embedded, it will take decades to return this country to a position where economic and social prosperity can expand exponentially and potential can be maximized.
Outside of the the Reagan administration, which is really only a blip on the radar screen, we have been traveling this path for over 100 years. But Reagan's tenure is most significant, offering a glimpse of the enormous potential of not only America, but each and every individual who help make up our citizenry.
As the folks down at Occupy Wall Street think, wealth should be transferred from those who have accomplished to those who, for whatever reason, have not enjoyed such success with the government being the administrator. Under this thought process, those who risked everything for the hope of achieving a return on investment and continuous income stream offering security provided the integrity the gain was based upon continues, are viewed as greedy and obstacles to the socialistic beliefs of the Progressives.
Today, the President Obama offered up a new plan to forgive student loans. The student loan forgiveness plan has been floating around for months, with the basis for action passed into law in of all places, Obamacare. This
blog tackled the student loan forgiveness topic a few weeks back, noting the moral decay from the government interfering in private contracts. While many argue the plan does not impact private loans, it indeed does as those participating in those loans do not get the benefit, and are thereby penalized for adhering to an agreed upon contract.
Whether the government interference is in student loans or mortgages, when contract law is dismissed you have no rule of law, no basis for a sound economic system, and thus the collapse of a free market system is imminent.
Although few are aware, the collapse of the system has been the plan all along. From
Cloward and Piven to the radical elements of the 1960's rebellion, the objective has been clear and is being demonstrated right before your eyes in the orchestrated protests going on now under the Occupy Wherever banner. Among those orchestrating the events;
The radicals of the sixties are now in charge, and us common folk are not the counter culture. As former Obama Green Jobs Czar
Van Jones once quipped,
we must drop the radical pose for the radical ends. The radicals of the sixties are not against civil unrest or violence. Glenn Beck has been right on target pointing out the objectives of these folks, as you can hear by
listening to this clip from his television show.
To understand how to defeat these folks, and they must be defeated, it is vital to understand some history. The following video is an eye opening tale of some of that history, and offers those now seeking answers to why Uncle Sam finds herself in such upheaval some clues. Please watch in entirety:
It is with regret to report that the fight for our country is fully engaged by our opponents within, but a great deal of our citizenry has yet to wrap their arms around what is taking place. It is now, given the economic numbers, economic policy and mind boggling foreign policy being engaged in that many are seeking some answers to bewildering questions. When you learn about the objectives of this movement, although they are shocking to the unsuspecting mind, the visual becomes clear.
We can no longer sit on the sideline. Before we elect a new signal caller for 2012, the team needs each of us to get in the game and stand up now engaging in leadership by example in demonstration of the first principles through legally permissible action inclusive of faith, education, service and discipline.
At some level, our fight is not with the useful idiots at Occupy Wherever, although there is a high level of hatred being displayed. The fight is really with the orchestrator's working in and out the shadows who are long in the tooth of this battle. Open your eyes as many of these folks are presently exposing themselves as they sadly become more embolden by our President, who is one of them.