Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Deflect the Distraction; Defund Obamacare

Although, through obfuscation, lies and misrepresentation, the left has seemingly succeeded in discrediting Sarah Palin in the minds of the low information and pop culture voting base, it cannot hide the truth for those who seek it.

Among the many topics on which Palin has always been spot on has been Obamacare, an abomination few have actually read which gives the government unprecedented and dangerous control over the citizenry. Right out of the gate, she correctly assessed the death panels, for which she was called uniformed by many who after the dust has settled admit she was correct.

In full disclosure, I attempted to read the bill, but time did not allow me the opportunity to backtrack in reading the other tree killing bills referenced throughout the some 2700 pages.  Furthermore, the phrase "as the Secretary shall determine" left a mind boggling amount of open ended options which prohibit one from actually nailing down what actions will ultimately take place.

A bureaucrat making life decisions for the American citizenry, defined or not, is a reduction in freedom that is unacceptable.

There is an effort, perhaps the only remaining opportunity to stop this encroachment on freedom, by Senators Mike Lee, R:UT, and Ted Cruz, R:TX, to defund Obamacare. Sadly, many in the GOP have refrained form joining in the fight, and we are taking names.

Just as Lee and Cruz are getting rolling, out of nowhere the Obama administration conjures up the immediate necessity to engage in a military strike against Syria.  The greater majority of America is somewhat confused why this is immediately critical, particularly since the peril has not affected Obama addressing, not the nation, but his Titleist on the long par 4 on the golf course.

Palin accurately finds the "foreign fiasco" a distraction, and encourages those who aim to protect freedom to "get back to work" and "bomb Obamacare".  Palin is correct yet again.

If you recall, the Obama administration never wants a crisis to go to waste, and some folks getting killed over in Syria is certainly no exception.  Distortion, distraction and delay are common tactics employed by the administration, as it is all about them achieving their goal by any means necessary.

For those who wish to thwart Obamacare, the time is now, and we must deflect the noise and hear Sarah Palin.  Please join Senators Lee and Cruz and get on board in effort to defund Obamacare.

Just sayin'.

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