Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hold The Racism

Fresh off threatening Rep. Louie Gohmert during testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder lashed out deeming the degree of questioning he received as racist, sinking to new lows by playing the race card.

Speaking before Al Shaprton's National Action Network, which actually is a racist organization whose mission is to shakedown opponents; threatening them with accusations of racism, Holder claimed both he and President Obama have had to deal with unprecedented criticism due in part to their race.

As usual with this crowd, nothing could be further from the truth. There is a long history of previous Attorneys General being raked over the coals. Most, no all, were Caucasian, so Holder's theory is officially squashed.

Once again, the brilliance of IBD Editorial Cartoonist Michael Ramirez:

Michael Ramirez/Investors Business Daily
Holder was grilled because he has repeatedly held himself above the law, refusing to adequately respond to request by the committee for documents he is legally required to produce.  At least for the moment, we are a nation of laws; not men.

Sadly, these men are well aware of this fact, but aim to create chaos by raising false flags and creating animosity between the citizenry.  This is hardly behavior fitting men of character, something you would have thought these men learned from Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unfortunately, Dr. King was not a man Obama and Holder patterned their lives after; Frank Marshal Davis and Saul Alinsky were.

Louis Gohmert accurately assessed that Holder's recent actions have a demeaning affect on his office, but contrary to Holder's comments in from of NAN that it is not about him, he clearly thinks otherwise.

Neither Obama nor Eric Holder are fit to represent this nation in the offices they currently hold.  It is not because of the color of their skin, which nobody of merit cares about.  It is because they operate their own agenda of social justice, governing against the will of the people implementing socialist tentacles in wealth transformation believing wholeheartedly America is an unjust country.

The Founders would be appalled, as these men have a literal distaste for the Constitution.  It must be noted these men find the Constitution inadequate in that is a flawed document.  Obama sated his view of the Constitution as "a charter of negative liberties, which says what the states can’t do to you, what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf.”

If you respect and hold dear our Constitution, then, sadly, you must recognize President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are political opponents of yours.  As we have stated previously, every legally permissible avenue must be approached to remove these individuals from their respective offices.

Is there not a tee time waiting or pick up game of hoops they can participate in?

The upcoming mid term elections, with some excellent candidates available for your consideration, comes next on the clock.  In the spirit of Dr. King, leadership by example, with emphasis on his non violent approach, is the best avenue to win the hearts and minds of the people, where justice will prevail.

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