Monday, April 6, 2015

Stand With Rand

After the opening day at ball parks across the fruited plain and the morning after the nets were cut down in Indianapolis, home of some ridiculous political chicanery in recent weeks, the announcement of a GOP candidate for president will be made, one for "A Different Kind of Republican Leader".

We need a new kind of republican representative in the presidential race, and perhaps Paul, with his libertarian leanings, can attract voters from differing areas of the spectrum and win the nomination.  Paul is throwing a wide net, and has reached out to the minority communities.

Should Paul win the nomination, he is positioned well to perhaps siphon off some the voters the Democrats have recently taken for granted. Any shift toward the GOP in some of the minority communities could bear substantial fruit.

I feel quite comfortable standing with Rand, and look forward to hearing more from him as the process continues.

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