Sunday, June 26, 2016

The First Brick Out of the Wall

Nigel Farage: "The EU is failing, the EU is dying, I hope that we've got the first brick out of the wall."

Mr. Floyd?

The media will try to blame upcoming violence and financial collapses on this vote, but those issues were only being masked by rigged political and monetary infiltration. We will soon note many banks are practically insolvent (have you been following Deutsche Bank (DB:NYSE) with us?) and the credibility of the ruling class elitists, Obama and Hillary included, will be appropriately destroyed. There is much more pain to come, but that comes with eradicating the cancer that infests our political landscapes.

Freedom won with Brexit, and one freedom fighter we can thank for his leadership is Nigel Farage.

Nigel Farage/Reuters

Nigel Farage calls for a new bank holiday to mark UK’s ‘Independence Day’ as his life’s work comes to fruition as the country votes for Brexit

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