Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Insults Silent Majority

As noted by, without question, "The political class loathes a large part of this country. Now it’s official."

We cannot get enough of British freedom fighter Nigel Farage, who joined Stuart Varney on Varney & Co. this morning on the FOX Business Network.
Farage accurately noted, People have had enough of being sneered at by out of touch political ‘elites'.


Hillary Clinton, while completely unfit for public office, really committed a political error in insulting half of the country, who supports her competitor Donald Trump.  There are enough people in the middle who really don't appreciate being insulted, and certainly in this political season, that amount could sway an election.

Hillary Clinton should be quite careful insulting the silent majority in this country, made up in large measure of Reaganites who abhor political elites who are dangerously out of touch with the greater majority of the citizenry and how ordinary people live and conduct their lives.

Nigel is quite correct, and it appears the silent majority ship has left port, sailing for seas of freedom and liberty, sinking the intellectual elites in similar fashion to those who were shocked by Brexit.

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