The choice for President in 2020 is quite clear: Donald J. Trump!
In the Democrat challenger Joe Biden, a lifetime Senator from Delaware who became vice president under Barack Obama, America could expect to be dealt a devastating blow to prosperity should he be elected.
Biden, who does not have an original idea with respect to Coronavirus, would listen to the scientists who are financially invested in the virus and have been noting but wrong so far in the predictions surrounding the virus. A Biden presidency will usher in further infective lockdowns.
Biden is weak, and heavily influenced by a group of radicals who will shove him aside if he is victorious and forge forward on actually following through on Obama's idea of fundamentally transforming The United States of America.
Packing the courts, adding states to strengthen the position in their Congress and eliminating the electoral college ( a last line of defense of middle America) would arrogantly achieve that.
The mainstream media has had limited coverage, if they have covered it all, of the corruption involving Joe Biden's son Hunter. Evidence suggests Joe Biden had some level of involvement. I would like to know; wouldn't you? Some of these allegations have interaction with the communist government of China. Perhaps most importantly, if elected it is feared Biden will surrender to China and welcome placing America under globalist's rule under the "great reset.".
Biden supports anti-capitalist agendas involving such items as rent control and will increase taxes and regulation This will thwart prosperity. Rule of law will relax and violence on our streets would escalate under Biden's direction. Citizens will then welcome big government to expand authority to squelch the unrest, which is part of the original plan.
America, as founded, would risk being lost forever under Biden's leadership. Biden seeks the overreaching government hand Ronald Reagan warned us about in his "Time For Choosing" speech in October of 1964. In fact, we are indeed at time for choosing.
Meanwhile, under President Trump, America can expect to embrace freedom while increasing prosperity.
Continued progress will significantly restrict the virus, and it will fade into the annuals of history.
Entrepreneurship and individual freedom for all will advance. Taxation and regulation will remain reasonable, assisting in the continued growth of the economy which offers avenues of prosperity for everyone.
America will continue to stand strong on the world stage, no longer being taken advantage of by those who seek ill will upon our people. Peace comes through strength, and the advancements recently made under President Trump will continue to bear fruit in that regard.
Rule of law will be expected and enforced. Racism, police brutality and rogue gangs terrifying our cites will not be tolerated. Equal justice for all will stand tall.
If the DC elite does not like the way President Trump goes about his business, we take that as as a badge of honor. That elite has been wrecking our nation, without a care in the world of the citizens they proclaim to be attempting to help. It is President Trump who is lifting the forgotten man, and people on the ground of all races and income levels know it.
Anybody who seeks individual freedom and prosperity and for America to continue her stature as a beacon of freedom and peace in the world should without question cast their ballot to re-elect Donald J. Trump as President of The Untied States. We would walk over broken glass to do so. So should you.