Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Touchstones of Corruption

Quickly apparent after taking office in 2009, the claims by President Obama to present a transparent presidency strictly adhering to the rule of law were promptly found to be false. I still have not seen a bill debated on CPSAN and have not had five days to review any of them.

One of the most critical pieces of legislation in many a moon, practically deemed passed, was passed through offerings of kickbacks, any way possible, including Nancy Pelosi going pole vault. After all, the ends justify the means with this group.

Crony capitalism in picking winners and targeting political opponents was established early on evidenced by the auto bond holders being cleaned out for unions and car dealerships closed due to political donation records. This type of abuse continued on, and examples are plentiful. However, although it took quite some time, it appears some of the chickens are coming home to roost.

Fast and Furious, a gun running scheme enacted in an effort to enhance gun control legislation through a physcological nudge, is the latest in a series of major and puzzling positions of Attorney General Eric Holder, but his approach to war on terror is very dangerous. Holder, who we called on to resign in 2010, has the House voting on Thursday to hold him in contempt.

With regard to Fast and Furious, with President Obama enacting executive privilege, has put himself in quite a pickle. As Representative Darrell Issa (R:CA) accurately surmised, either Obama knew about the plan he claimed not to know about or he utilized executive privilege in an effort to obstruct an ongoing investigation. Either instance makes the activities of Richard Nixon seem Romper Room.

So much for transparency and the rule of law.

Speaking of Richard Nixon, with the most corrupt administration in decades operating outside the constitution with seemingly wreckless abandon of the rule of law and without regard of the consequences, a week ago The Washington Post felt compelled to bring back Woodward and Bernstein and revisit the Watergate saga, informing us Nixon was worse than we thought. Good grief!

That is a classic example of the current state of the mainstream media. With a favored Democratic (socialist if you ask me) administration belligerently bordering on an imperial presidency, the media has to reach back 40 years to relive a Republican low moment. There have to be a half dozen Pulitzers there for the taking should any aspiring journalist care to break rank and go rogue.

Thankfully we have Glenn Beck, not a journalist, but a thinker. Beck lays out the seriousness of the pickle Obama is now in, which if history is any indication, will potentially end with his resignation should Obama win re-election. Give Beck a listen:

President Obama is not an honest broker, and because he talks a good game, he hides true intentions assisted by a complicit news media. Obama is an anti-colonialist, does not view America as exceptional and through implementation of non-transparent policies, foreign and domestic, must be considered hostile to the United States.

Please hit the voting booth November 2 with authority, fast and furious if you will. Obama should be soundly defeated at the ballot box, but if not, it is becoming clear that the further uncovering of corrupt behavior, odds favor Obama will be removed from office.

Blame Entitlement Society, not US Capitalism

It was only a matter of time. Shortly after the kickoff of the G20 Summit, José Manuel Barroso, EU commission president, blamed the United States and capitalism, for the financial armageddon striking the Eurpoean Union.

"This crisis was not originated in Europe … seeing as you mention North America, this crisis originated in North America and much of our financial sector was contaminated by, how can I put it, unorthodox practices, from some sectors of the financial market.".

Barroso, a communist who would not a pro-forma if it rang the front door bell, is actually using EU crisis to promote his political agenda. While foreign investors did purchase collateralized debt obligations, primarily mortgage batches, that blew up, an economy which produces few assets and has exponentially expanding liabilities is the real culprit. Investment novices, risk measurement is not their forte'.

Alarm bells have been ringing in Europe for decades, but for the last few years, perhaps the loudest harbinger has been Nigel Farage. What does Farage think of this claim? Farage spoke with David Asman of FOX Business:

EU member countries cannot meet their obligations, smothered by expanding entitlements, which have required bailout after bailout. EU leaders have implemented the Keynesian model of increasing stimulus in effort to create economic growth. President Obama has met with the EU leaders promoting this philosophy. In fact, Obama is implementing this model here in the states. But by any statistical measure, the model has failed in Europe and is failing here.

Government does not create wealth; it destroys it.

Germany has had enough, and although Obama and the EU continue to push Germany to continue to participate, they are ready to cease bailouts. With the European Union on the brink of collapse, and time is short according to billionaire financier George Soros, no doubt short the EU.

But there is hope as Soros and the technocrats running the EU have a new idea; for the member nations to relinquish banking sovereignty to chosen technocrats running the EU. Shockingly, France is ready to go with this plan.  With the EU member citizenry already robbed of their identity with their entrepreneurial spirit crushed, civil disobedience is ushered in.

Enhancing the further collapse of a society would be for technocrats to rule over budgets, terminating opportunities for individual advancement and growth of the citizenry. With the citizenry having no vehicle for changing course, as the technocrats are not elected by the citizenry, each country falls under the governance of a panel of dictators, who are not going to allow this crisis to go to waste.

It would further allow for an objective of Soros; an open socitey, which ultimately eliminates the sovereignty of participating countries and its citizenry, which ultimately reduces freedom.

I join Farage in counseling the EU members to seek out individual freedom through free market economic principles, the best path to social and economic freedom and prosperity.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Jeb Jumps Shark on Reagan

In a recent interview, Florida Senator Marco Rubio spoke of his heartfelt admiration of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Many Floridians share Rubio's thoughts, and as a Floridian, I gleefully supported Bush as Governor. In review of the report card of his governorship, the marks are generally considered high.

Unfortunately, recent comments by Governor Bush suggest he has lost contact with the central principles of the Republican Party, and it can be argued, former President George W. Bush did as well.

However, in retrospect, it seems that real conservatives, perhaps with our eye taken off the ball due to the events of September 11, 2001, allowed our Republican leadership to move away from these principles. Far left socialists, who praise the entitlement society, big government, global wealth transfer and open borders, have high jacked the Democratic Party. Blue Dog Democrats engage this group sharing progressive ideals, but they really have no idea of the agendas of the left wing radicals they are, perhaps not knowingly for some, in bed with. Joining with the deviants of Occupy Wall Street is an example. Same holds true for moderate republicans, who embrace big government as the driving force in a successful Democracy.

Perhaps it is power driven, or a lack of faith in the American people, but for some reason, free market capitalism is abandoned in favor of governmental interaction. Unfortunately, in a low moment for sure, you recall George W. Bush abandoning the free market principles to save the free market system. Well, those actions by President Bush failed to work, and kicked the can down the road at best.

President Obama, in staggering economic idiocy, has exponentially expanded our national debt through stimulus in effort to boost the economy, but by any statistical measure, this has failed. All of it. We know Obama is an economic novice, unless you subscribe to the theory that he is intentionally collapsing the system, as I do. While we can only hope President Bush recognizes his error, listening to brother Jeb recently suggests otherwise, providing evidence that both of these men being progressives themselves. The apple does not fall far from the tree, and it was 41 who spoke of a new world order.

Jeb thinks bipartisanship is missing from the politics of today, saying "Back to my dad's time and Ronald Reagan's time — they got a lot of stuff done with a lot of bipartisan support," Bush added. Reagan today "would be criticized for doing the things that he did." Bush went further adding "Reagan would have, based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican Party ... as having an orthodoxy that doesn't allow for disagreement, doesn't allow for finding some common ground".

You would think Jeb would have a better understanding of the current political climate, and since I know Jeb is a smart guy, one has to wonder how, and why, he is so far off the mark.

While Reagan did find accommodation in those days, he was always in operating from a position of control, real or perceived. with honest brokers. The Gipper offered ground on policies that were not integral, or on issues that were on the periphery of the core of his policies. Reagan trusted people to keep their word, and he got burned one too many times, most notably on immigration. But Reagan was most firm on his core principles, and on those principles there was no compromise.

Quoting from Reagan's first inaugural address: "In the days ahead I will propose removing the roadblocks that have slowed our economy and reduced productivity. Steps will be taken aimed at restoring the balance between the various levels of government. Progress may be slow, measured in inches and feet, not miles, but we will progress. It is time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden. And these will be our first priorities, and on these principles there will be no compromise".

In what would appear to be a news flash for Jeb, America's industrial giant is asleep, shackled by regulation and taxation. Government has never been so out of control, solar systems from within its means, pun intended. In addition, bankers are not banking, laws are selectively being enforced and the media is failing to accurately report the truth, all signs of a country in crisis. Reagan would not be finding common ground with the socialist progressives of today!

Reagan found those advancing socialism not suitable for accommodation. "Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy accommodation."

Reagan sought simple, morally right economic policies, not socialism which robs people of their identity and handicaps their future. Free market capitalism is a core principle which cannot be compromised on. While Reagan stood firm, George W Bush failed when the heat got turned up, and Jeb seems poised to assist Obama in destroying the country.

Jeb Bush is sadly mistaken in his assessment, but he is not alone thinking compromise with Democrats is the answer, even in dealing with dishonest socialist brokers. Jon Huntsman is now a left wing think tank fellow.

You and I do have a rendezvous with destiny. We need to preserve for our children the grand experiment of America, based on the bedrock principles of moral men who embrace freedom, entrepreneurship and free market capitalism, which helped nurture and grow the last best hope of man on earth.

According to Reagan, "If we lose freedom here, we will sentence our children and grandchildren to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth".

Reagan said. "Well I think it's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves."

Maybe 2012 is not a "...choice between right and left, but between up ordown, individual freedom consistent with law and order or down to the any heap of totalitarianism." Reagan would not be about compromise these days, rather leading by example lifting all boats in an expanding economic pool based upon freedom, morality and limited government.

Ronnie would be voting up in 2012, for Mitt Romney, and for America.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dangerous Level of Arrogance at 1600

As we get closer to the 2012 election, I have found myself wondering what accomplishments President Obama will present to the American people during his campaign in which anyone with any common sense would deem successful. 

Beyond taking out Osama bin Laden and continuing the use of drones taking out terrorists internationally, unless you appreciate him collapsing our economic system leading the march to socialism, there is nothing but failure.

Then again, I briefly forgot about the arrogance of Obama and his team of truth fabricators. 

The folks over at did not:

Forgot Baghdad Bob, we got Baghdad Barack, a propagandist of mistruths and deflection.

When Obama can squeeze campaign stops around his golf game, he is running around the country telling tale of success when the country is fast tacking to bankruptcy, has a staggering level of unemployment and is sputtering along with minimal economic growth, all contributing to growing national security concerns.

Although we are a nation of laws and not men, Obama continuously shows contempt for the Constitution while attempting to embark on an imperial presidency.

I am amazed he has any supporters beyond those on the entitlement freight train as the economic wreckage of his failed policies is littered throughout the fruited plain. If he is not defeated, we will lose the United States of America, as Allen West (R:FL) pointed out in a speech last week.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Information Misrepresentation: NBC News

Information presented to the Public by various outlets is being crafted to misrepresent reality in an effort to skew political thinking, gain economic advantage and nudge social justice further down the American psyche. This is the fourth in a series of blog posts detailing instances in this regard, as it is imperative the Public recognize the significant level of misrepresentation and how vast the manipulation is and gather information from trusted sources.

Information Misrepresentation: NBC News.

For years, NBC News was a respected outlet for news. Many may recall Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, and there were days when Tom Brokaw was credible. Sadly, this is no longer true. Perhaps the fatal blow came when General Electric (GE:NYSE) became the parent company of NBC, but at any rate, make no mistake, they are not presently accurate, cannot be trusted and are essentially Obama campaign members. Doubt me?

Although there were instances raising eyebrows, it was a two by four to the forehead during the emergence of the Tea Party in 2010. Please see the following report from MSNBC:

Oh my gosh! Racist white folks protesting out first black President are running around with machine guns at Tea Party rallies! It is not football season and I think Lee Corso is fishing; but not so fast my friend! MSNBC misrepresented the truth by a large measure, and risked placing people in harms way by playing the race card and potentially inciting riots. Please see a local ABC-TV report showing the real story:

Nothing has changed over at NBC, even though Comcast (CMSCA:NASDAQ) is now owner. NBC recently busted doctoring a tape of George Zimmerman, the Central Florida man who is charge with killing Travon Martin, which recently strained race relations.  No worries at 30 Rock.

In fact, with Obama dive bombing in recent polls, NBC has increased the propaganda. NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell, wife of former FED Chair Alan Greenspan, blatantly edited a Mitt Romney speech in juvenile fashion in effort to misrepresent Romney's comments. Glenn Beck was not amused, and gives you the full story:

Recognizing the error of their ways, Andrea Mitchell cleared the air on her program. Well, at least she thinks she did. Beck is really fired up now, and you should be as well.

We have a very important election ahead of us,  and it is critical you get your information from trusted sources, and make no mistake, NBC is not one of them. This is regrettable. I have been on the Today Show and enjoy the history of the proud peacock and NBC News. But the days of solid reporting from this network are history, and they fake out thousands of our citizens who have formerly trusted this news division and have no idea they are sellouts for progressive interests.

There are countless examples of this type of activity, and NBC is not alone,  But, they are by far the worst and no longer even attempt journalism. It is worse than you think with these anti-America impostors, but now you know.

Yes, employ a sell signal should you own Comcast (CMSCA:NASDAQ) or General Electric (GE:NYSE), which I do not.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Euro Bailouts Not Working

Just last week, Spain was granted a $125 billion loan designed to shore up bank imbalances. After numerous bailouts in effort to save the European Union, surely this latest loan will solve the problem.

Memo to all the politicians and technocrats across the globe; the problem is far from being solved. In fact, most if not all of these measures are simply a variation of kicking the can down the road. With overwhelming debt, the EU members become slaves to those who "lend" them the capital or forgive loan components.

As bad as this is under governmental officials that can be voted out, (November cannot come quick enough here in the States), imagine the position of those being held accountable by technocrats who are not accountable to those they are governing over. Simply put; smothering.

While the fallout from this unfortunate circumstance mostly viewed from a financial perspective, the costs are far greater. The loss of jobs skills, of those who can find employment, the hopelessness of the encumbrances of escalating success and the breaking of the entrepreneurial spirit and robbing people of their identity are social costs that burden families and communities.

Historically, tyranny has come from out of control governments, who under the premise of helping those who are in need steal freedom from the citizenry right under the nose of the governed. While everyone watched European member countries embrace socialism and spend beyond their means for decades, we have recently been warned, most notably by Nigel Farage, how further bailouts would cause further erosion of member nations sovereignty, elevating hopelessness and despair for the governed.

Like a boulder rolling down a hill, the suffering continues. Countless bailouts have accomplished nothing, with billions having been wasted. Ireland and Portugal are shake, Greece is in crisis and Spain just got saved. Italy is real trouble also. Nigel Farage further explains.

While the bailouts have calmed waters temporarily, they have not solved the problem. In fact, these decisions will create deeper pain in the future as the bailouts become more expensive until they cannot be paid and the economies crash. What government entity led by whom will rush in to take over? A scenario similar to this did not go well in the 1930's.

Each of these countries need to break away from their slave masters and regain their sovereignty. At such time, although it will no doubt be painful, a firm foundation built upon freedom and capitalism can emerge with hope for the future for all of the citizenry.

It is just that simple.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tide Rolls on Agenda 21

Every two years, in keeping with governmental regulation, mandatory continuing education for many professional licensees is required. Last week, in order to keep my Certified Residential Appraiser license in good standing, 40 hours were taken in at the Peabody Hotel in on tourism row in Orlando.

Among the courses presented in the snore fest was The Introduction to Residential Green Buildings.  As you may suspect, the course provided the opportunity for advocacy of the green movement by the instructor, and the moment was seized.

The instructor surmised that homeowners were embracing energy restriction by downsizing the gross living area of homes being purchased.  To the contrary, the lowering of the average GLA is largely due to the economic status of America, which due to governmental interaction in markets has severely hampered job creation and created elevated levels of uncertainty.

Public and private sector organizations, the US Green Building Council and the Shelton Group, advocates for green energy initiatives, were referenced as leaders in assessing all things green, from measuring consumer acceptance to rating and regulating building energy efficiency.

On the course evaluation, I wrote "portions of the class unfortunately bordered on advocating the propaganda surrounding the pursuit of sustainable development, having the feeling of being "nudged" minus Cass Sunstein" closing with "Sustainable development infringes upon property rights".

It should be noted that all responsible citizens should engage in efforts to refrain from polluting and wasting energy.  In addition, in our free market society there are many opportunities as a property owners to maximize cost efficiency with regard to energy usage, and these are prudent investments.

Unfortunately, common sense initiatives have been expanded upon by governmental regulators influenced by left wing environmentalists, global warming alarmists and a very nefarious group who are supporters of Agenda 21, or sustainable development; a global effort to implement social justice.

As reported in Investors Business Daily, Agenda 21 is a frontal assault on formative principles of our founding fathers.  One of those is property rights. "Land ... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market," Agenda 21 says.

"Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes."

Property rights are central to our sovereignty, and on these central principles there can be no compromise.

Agenda 21 is intended to foster what environmentalists call "sustainable development" in the belief that man since the Industrial Revolution has been a plague on the planet, plundering its resources while destroying nature and putting the world at risk of disastrous climate change, poverty and disease.

If you were thinking those attempting to implement strategies in this arena were those on the left wing extreme, you would be correct, and they are currently running our government. This group has done a masterful job in promotion of the greatest hoax of all time, global climate change, to the mainstream citizenry and business leaders. 

Many, perhaps fearful of being on the wrong side against a government who takes few prisoners, are eagerly on board.  Some are financially tied to government, and have no choice but to gleefully participate.  In fact, just yesterday, TARP recipient Bank of America (BAS:NYSE) pledged 50 million to combat global warming.  Have not seen a sell signal like that in a while.

Unfortunately, governmental regulators, which include the EPA, unelected regulatory Czars and Obama and his executive orders are shoving Agenda 21 down our throats, which increase costs in arenas inclusive of energy, building maintenance and regulatory compliance.  In fact, just this week President Obama said he would make climate change his top priority in his second term, although odds are increasing he won't get that chance.

Even so, as industries have bought into the climate change premise, policies in this regard are emerging to overwhelm business owners, limiting economic freedom and free market prosperity.

Agenda 21, an arm of the United Nations, is on the verge of gaining binding influence in our court system.  The Law of the Sea Treaty, up for vote soon in Congress, is a current example. As alarming as this is, America appears to be waking up as Alabama voters handed Agenda 21 such a lopsided loss, you would think Crimson Tide.

Our rights are being trampled under foot, and many remain unaware.  Under global climate change, arms of the movement are working like termites to gain control of the structure, pun intended, of our governance.  Time is of the essence, and with the Obama presidency seeming on the ropes, danger lurks behind every two by four.  Inform your friends about Agenda 21, and hit the voting booth in opposition at your earliest opportunity.

The Hall of BAHL

Sports is and always has played a significant role in my life. I have found that most all of life's lessons are learned between the lines. Discipline, individual responsibility, teamwork and sportsmanship are among many opportunities presented within the games that offer guidance to prosper in life.

Over the years, there have been many individuals associated with sports that I have looked up to, been a fan of, owned a jersey of or just pulled for. These are my guys, and although it has not always been a road without bumps for many, these are my guys. In an effort to recognize these folks, I announce The Hall of BAHL.

Individuals making this list may or may not be the greatest ever players, coaches or ambassadors, but they are my favorites. Each year, I will induct five members into The Hall of BAHL. In honor of my good buddy and Sportsman Big Ole BudFeiser, who we lost in 2011 and who I grew up playing sports with, each class will annually be announced on his birthday, June 13.

The inductees for the 2012 Hall of BAHL class are listed in no particular order below:


Although I no longer closely follow the PGA Tour, when I was a kid I watched tournaments frequently with my Grandmother. While I respected the strong group of competitors back in the day, including Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer, my favorite was Lee Trevino.

During this time, the tour stop in Orlando was the Florida Citrus Open, held at Rio Pinar Country Club. My Grandparents were members and I attended the tournaments, collecting autographs and taking in the show as a gallery member. It was great fun.

My Grandmother worked the tournament, and that gave her, with me right by her side, close access to Trevino when he won the Florida Citrus Open in 1975. “You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their husbands work" fired Trevino.” Trevino was always a character on the course, cracking jokes and engaging the gallery.

To this day, while my skills on the links are fair at best, I do possess a quick tight swing patterned after the Merry Mex. “There are two things that won’t last long in this world, and that’s dogs chasing cars and pros putting for pars” is one of many of Trevino's lines. Trevino was one of the most successful of the day, but that came at a cost. “You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their husbands work.” I have great memories of following Trevino back in the day, and he is well deserving of an early induction into of BAHL's Hall of Fame.


Few things meant more to me as a child than the success of the University of Nebraska football team, and the man who is considered the architect of the modern era Nebraska success was former Head Coach and Athletic Director Bob Devaney.  Devaney, a Michigan native who came over from Wyoming to coach the Big Red in 1962, lead Nebraska to their first National Title, winning back to back in 1970-71.

Devaney, who retired as coach and placed Tom Osborne as head coach in 1973, helped Nebraska become one of the most dominant teams on the field, and engineered the traditions associated with the program, inclusive of the nations longest sellout streak and the nations most Academic All America players. It was Devaney who set foundation for much of the success the Cornhuskers enjoy today.

Through my Grandmothers association with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in Lincoln, I had occasion to meet Coach Devaney several times as a child, and enjoyed visiting with him over at Mistys Steakhouse as a student when Florida State played at Lincoln in 1985. Devaney, for whom the current basketball arena is named, was a man about town and someone all Husker fans cherish, without question worthy as an early BAHL's Hall inductee. Go Big Red!


Becoming a fan of the National Football League as a youngster in Central Florida, the only game in town was the newly formed Miami Dolphins, coached by Don Shula. The Dolphins came into existence in 1966, with Shula taking over in 1970.

Under Shula, the Dolphins quickly became a powerhouse, reaching three consecutive Super Bowls in 1971, 1972 and 1973, winning back to back titles in 72-73 and scoring the only perfect season in NFL history in 1972. Shula put together solid teams in these days, with a powerful running attack behind quarterback Bob Greise and a stellar defensive unit of no-name players who dominated. These were indeed great times for the Dolphins and their fans.

Shula, a stern competitor but consummate gentleman, kept the Dolphins strong in the post Super Bowl seasons, adjusting philosophies where appropriate. Trick plays and the emergence of the Killer Bees, as the defense was had several players whose last name began with the letter B. Those old days of confetti swirling in the Orange Bowl are classic moments. Miami reached the top levels of the game under Shula behind quarterback Dan Marino, losing the Super Bowl in 1984. Marino was among the best ever, but the lack of a quality running game and defensive lapses always upended Dolphin playoff runs.

Shula was practically ran out of town 1995, something that does not sit well for me to this day, particularly considering University of Miami coach Jimmy Johnson was named to replace him. Don Shula is one of the greats, and in his post football life has been a wonderful corporate citizen, owning a restaurant chain of steakhouse and being a catalyst for many philanthropic endeavors. Shula, given his time as a player and reaching the top of the game as a coach, was very appropriately elected to the NFL Hall of Fame in 1997 and is welcomed as an early inductee to The Hall of BAHL.


In what has to be considered the glory days of the National Basketball Association, the classic battle had the Los Angeles Lakers, with Magic Johnson, battling the Boston Celtics and Larry Bird. Having no home team, I had become a Laker fan, following Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Lucius Allen over from the Milwaukee Bucks in 1975.

Earvin "Magic" Johnson, fresh off a National Championship at Michgan State, was selected as the first pick of the 1979 NBA draft by the Lakers, which signaled the birth of Showtime in Tinseltown as the Lakers. With the 6'9" Johnson running point in never before seen precision, couples with infectious smile,the Lakers changed the game with their fast break offense. It was Showtime!

Although the Lakers had a very strong cast, including Abdul-Jabbar, the NBA all time scoring leader, and North Carolina superstar James Worthy, it was Magic that lead the way. Beyond being one of the best all time players, it was Johnson's personality that really pushed him to become such an endearing figure, both on and off the court. Unfortunately, Magic contracted the AIDS virus through unprotected sex.

"The Announcement", that he had to retire from the game, was a significant event in American history, as at the time AIDS was thought to be a death sentence.  Magic stood very tall staring in the face of this adversity, or perhaps death, no doubt about it.  We all had a lot to learn at that time, and I somehow think Magic may have been hand picked to lead the fight with his winning attitude and that wonderful smile. ESPN's outstanding 30 for 30 has a great show on "The Announcement".

Magic came back to play some, and won the MVP of the NBA All Star game here in Orlando in 1992 behind an awesome shooting performance. Magic is doing just fine physically these and is thriving in the business community. Johnson runs Magic Johnson Enterprises, which helps business development in inner city communities and houses the Magic Johnson Foundation, which helps combat HIV.

Although Johnson is active in Democratic politics, we cannot hold that against him because he was among the greatest athletes ever to play the sports we love, had a great attitude and competitive spirit and had a bunch of fun performing Showtime.  I had fun watching it, admire Johnson, and welcome him as an inductee into The Hall of BAHL.


Although the Miami Dolphins continued as among the winningest NFL teams following the Super Bowl years, the Dolphins were searching to recapture their dominance. With the 27th pick in the 1983 NFL draft, Miami selected Pitt Panther quarterback Dan Marino, and life in south Florida would never be same. Not only did the Dolphins hit paydirt, so did the south Florida community as Marino became a beloved figure on and off the gridiron.

Marino showed flashes while at Pitt, leading the Panthers to Cotton and Sugar Bowl appearances. In fact, I got a chance to see Marino live as Pitt visited Florida State in Tallahassee in 1982. Once a Dolphin, history under Marino immediately began being written. Marino devastated opponents with his pinpoint accuracy and arm strength, leading Miami to the 1984 Super Bowl by throwing an NFL record 48 touchdown passes and with over 5000 yards passing. Marino was brilliant most of his career, but the lack of a solid running game and defensive lapses derailed the Dolphin playoff runs throughout the remainder of Marino's career.

I only saw Marino play live twice as a Dolphin, but my second opportunity was stellar as Marino and the Fins hosted Joe Montana and the Kansas City Chiefs in an AFC Playoff game on December 31, 1994. The Dolphins won 27-17, but witnessing two Hall of Fame signal callers go at it is a cherished memory. Marino retired after the 1999 season, as the Dolphins imploded with a 62-7 playoff loss at Jacksonville. Although Dangerous Dan's legs were shaky, his arm was not and he could have easily played a few more seasons.

Unfortunately, the Dolphins have not been the same since Marino was half sort of shoved out. When they showed Marino the door, it deepened my wounds from Shula's exit, and I came to become a Buccaneer fan also after a lifetime of pulling for the Fins. Marino continues to excel out of football, having a short stint as a NASCAR team owner, and NFL analyst for CBS Sports and effort in philanthropy as founder of the Dan Marino Foundation for Autism. Marino, unfortunately like many other athletes, has an Autistic child.

Dan Marino had the strongest arm of any quarterback I have seen, and had a stellar career for my beloved Miami Dolphins. Marino, elected to the NFL Hall of Fame in 2005, the best player in Dolphin history, is a very worthy inductee to The Hall of BAHL.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Silver Bullet

A few weeks back, as I was about to leave for work, I caught a package presented on FOX & Friends as a retrospective on how the hope and change of the Obama administration has worked out for America. The content was sadly accurate, painting a grim picture of our current position. So illustrative was it, that the FOX producer who put the package together was almost fired.

Many found it to be a hit piece, something the mainstream media assaults the right with on a daily basis. FOX issued a statement of regret for airing the piece, as the powers that be at FNC found it stepped outside of their fair and balanced coverage. Fair and balanced sure, but what happened to the the truth?

Check out the package, complete with the stunning and documented facts of where Hope and Change has taken Uncle Sam:

Sadly, perhaps due to war fatigue or fear of the financial shock waves of bursting bubbles, Americans were duped by a catchy slogan of hope and change from a dashing young man with soaring rhetoric who articulated hope for the future through the a fundamental transformation, but what kind of transformation and change were we hoping for?

With the mainstream media cheerleading Obama, few sought learning from the history, positions and associations of the man who would direct the fundamental change. What did Obama mean when he spoke about fundamental transformation at The University of Missouri five days before the election? What did Michelle Obama mean when she quipped our history and traditions would have to change under Obama, and that Obama would require you to be participatory?

The answers were there. Credit Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck among the few who sounded the alarm.

Fast forwarding to today, the Obama tenure has been a complete disaster. The economic numbers are simply awful with no reasonable plan in existence for recovery, our position in the world has greatly diminished as we friend foes and cozy up to enemies and we have made zero advances in stabilizing our social fabric, instead dividing our diversity.

Most think this has been a painful exercise in incompetence, but in fact, this has been a victory for Obama, a silver bullet unnoticed by the masses. Obama and his team hoped to usher in a crashing of the system, which as the wreckage was surveyed, a battle worn electorate would seek governmental assistance resulting in change from capitalism to socialism. Yes, the more the plans fail the more the planners plan.

Given another term, the transformation would be complete, and freedom will be greatly diminished as those high level government officials implement policies protecting you as they know better than you how you should live your life. NYC Mayor Micheal Bloomberg represents a timely example of this. Excuse me while a take a swig from my 64 ounce Diet Coke Big Gulp!

Wisconsin signals America may have been awoken. Our future of freedom, averting a dictatorship, depends on it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Walk Over in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
The thunderclap heard hither and yon last night was the recall victory by Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker, and his lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, in what was was described by DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shcultz as a prelude to the 2012 presidential election as Obama and his dreams from his father of a socialist utopia face off against Mitt Romeny and his ideas of free market capitalism and entrepreneurial spirit.

Well, THIS is what democracy looks like.

We recall this all began when Walker sought to curb union influences as deficits began to grow out of control across Badger Country.  America witnessed thousands of thugs overtaking the state capitol as Walker opponents gathered signatures to force the recall election.  We witnessed Democrats leaving the state to escape performance of the duties they were elected to perform. Cowards all.

Unions bused in customary thugs from anywhere and everywhere to "occupy" Madison.  With the lap dogs news media slobbering at the sure to come demise of Walker, it would appear the voters of Wisconsin were turned of by, not in to, the despicable antics of the union representatives and communists who made Madison a temporary home.  On Wisconsin!

With Walker winning by a greater margin than in 2010,  Badgers from Barry Alverez to Paul Ryan mus be thrilled.  Wisconsin voters spoke loudly, demanding fiscal sanity.  While many do appreciate the central tenants of unions, as Sarah Palin appropriately noted, the union leadership are not serving the members properly, operating as thugs wasting dues supporting progressive, socialist and communist candidates.  Palin summed up the win in pinpoint fashion in an interview on FOX News "On The Record" with Greta Van Susteren.

Wisconsin, land of the progressive, strongly sounded support for free market capitalism.  Bathing in arrogance over at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, I suspect it was like a tree falling in forest for the Obama campaign. 

Good, for it sure seems a much, much stronger thunderstorm is in forecast for November.