I have not. Simply put, Islamic terrorists are trying to kill us.
Election season has presented us with quite a contrast regarding the global war on terror. One side is not clear about it and wants to withdraw our troops from areas of engagement where death and injury are occuring. They approach it from the point of view that we should leave them alone.
Another side has a clear understanding of what faces us and is determinded to remain on offense against the most brutal killers of our time. Victory, not surrender, is the only option. The terrorists wish to dismantle our way of living as they despise our freedoms we hold so dear. And they will chop our heads off without the blink of an eye.
Thourough discussions about raising the minimum wage have a place at the table, but debate after debate with the battle of our time hardly mentioned is mind boggling and dangerous. It appears the politicians and American people both forgot what September 11 felt like.

We need a President who will terminate the terrorists before they kill us. Among the candidates, I know who that is, and so do you!
Amen brother. McCain may not be the one I wanted, but I know where he stands and I know the number one goal for him will be to protect this country. His resolve helped the troop surge happen and it is paying off now, although you'd never know it by the lack of press coverage we get now about the war in Iraq. He paid a high political price at the time to back the surge, but now his investment is paying back in many ways. With the news that a nuclear team from Pakistan has been kidnapped being of a concern, maybe McCain will have a chance of winning based on his strength in foreign policy and his desire to keep us strong militarily. With all the things I didn't like about him, I have to give him his props and say he is the right man for the job at this time in history.
Although I do not think that pulling our troops out of Iraq at this time is the right thing to do. I don't feel that we should have been there in the first place. I am frustrated in the fact that the United States has become the police force of the world. I think that there should be an international military for such actions. This military organization should be independent from any government and take orders only from the United Nations. In my humble opinion I really don't like any of the candidates. It will be extremely hard for me to decide when it comes time to vote and once again I will have to decide based on the lesser of the evils.
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