Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Night Song

I heard a series of news stories this weekend regarding the murder of John Lennon, which happened 30 years ago this Wednesday. Hard to imagine how time has flown by.

It was just five years ago I attended a gathering of tens of thousands in Central Park marking the 25th anniversary of Lennons passing. It was a moving event.

Lennon had more talent in one hand than the greater majority of artists we find today. The body of work with The Beatles is beyond reproach, and individually, with a wide range of material, Lennon also shined.

In honor of John, tonight we present a Lennon solo composition, Instant Karma. I believe in karma, so those of you in set in your ways to destroy America better keep an eye out over your shoulder. Instant karma is going to get you, and Lennon's work and America will continue to shine on!

From February of 1970, John Lennon and Instant Karma!

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