One of the most critical pieces of legislation in many a moon, practically deemed passed, was passed through offerings of kickbacks, any way possible, including Nancy Pelosi going pole vault. After all, the ends justify the means with this group.
Crony capitalism in picking winners and targeting political opponents was established early on evidenced by the auto bond holders being cleaned out for unions and car dealerships closed due to political donation records. This type of abuse continued on, and examples are plentiful. However, although it took quite some time, it appears some of the chickens are coming home to roost.
Fast and Furious, a gun running scheme enacted in an effort to enhance gun control legislation through a physcological nudge, is the latest in a series of major and puzzling positions of Attorney General Eric Holder, but his approach to war on terror is very dangerous. Holder, who we called on to resign in 2010, has the House voting on Thursday to hold him in contempt.
With regard to Fast and Furious, with President Obama enacting executive privilege, has put himself in quite a pickle. As Representative Darrell Issa (R:CA) accurately surmised, either Obama knew about the plan he claimed not to know about or he utilized executive privilege in an effort to obstruct an ongoing investigation. Either instance makes the activities of Richard Nixon seem Romper Room.
So much for transparency and the rule of law.

Speaking of Richard Nixon, with the most corrupt administration in decades operating outside the constitution with seemingly wreckless abandon of the rule of law and without regard of the consequences, a week ago The Washington Post felt compelled to bring back Woodward and Bernstein and revisit the Watergate saga, informing us Nixon was worse than we thought. Good grief!
That is a classic example of the current state of the mainstream media. With a favored Democratic (socialist if you ask me) administration belligerently bordering on an imperial presidency, the media has to reach back 40 years to relive a Republican low moment. There have to be a half dozen Pulitzers there for the taking should any aspiring journalist care to break rank and go rogue.
Thankfully we have Glenn Beck, not a journalist, but a thinker. Beck lays out the seriousness of the pickle Obama is now in, which if history is any indication, will potentially end with his resignation should Obama win re-election. Give Beck a listen:
President Obama is not an honest broker, and because he talks a good game, he hides true intentions assisted by a complicit news media. Obama is an anti-colonialist, does not view America as exceptional and through implementation of non-transparent policies, foreign and domestic, must be considered hostile to the United States.
Please hit the voting booth November 2 with authority, fast and furious if you will. Obama should be soundly defeated at the ballot box, but if not, it is becoming clear that the further uncovering of corrupt behavior, odds favor Obama will be removed from office.
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