Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tax Fraud as a Systematic Transfer of Wealth


FOX News moderator Chris Wallace chastised Donald Trump for citing government waste as significant in a recent debate. If you only knew how correct Trump is.

As reported by "The Gateway Pundit", "A staggering 80% of Latino illegal immigrant families in California are living in poverty and need government assistance.

The Obama administration wants to open to door to millions more." According to the video report, illegal immigrants, through fraud associated with their ITIN numbers, are using the IRS as a cash register; with your money!

This theft must be stopped Monday morning at 8AM; but don't hold your breath.

The original report noted this was happening through a tax loophole; however, with the video going viral, looked into it and found something even more disturbing. They proclaim it "tax fraud".

Forbes attempted to identify who the culprits are, but left out the elephant in the rook: the corrupt IRS.

The IRS is too busy auditing Tea Party organizations and the private citizens who support them.  No doubt that the direction of the Obama administration, who is orchestrating and conducting a  force invasion of our nation by illegal immigrants, the IRS has been told to look the other way.

The funneling of money, in most cases blatantly illegal, is simply considered by the administration as reparations, an organized systematic transfer of wealth.  President Nixon was facing impeachment for threatening to utilize the IRS as a weapon against political opponents, but for some reason (our lawless Attorneys General), Obama can do it impunity.

This to must stop immediately, but it will not until we elect an individual who places the law above the men.

For the record, if elected, Donald Trump will build the wall and Ted Cruz will seek to "end the political targeting, simplify the tax code, and abolish the IRS as we know it."

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