Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Single Payer Always The Plan

You have seen stories on Obamacare premiums going up 25%?

Nobody who read Obamacare before it passed thought the numbers would work. That was always the plan, designed to fail with the public clamoring for the government to fix it, and fix it they will, replacing it with a single payer plan.

You were lied to, and slapped in the face via your wallet.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D:IL), whose husband Robert Creamer recently made headlines turning up in the videos outlining voter fraud put forth by James O'Keefe and his group Project Veritas, proclaimed the ruse to take the country to a single payer plan years ago. Take a listen:


Accurately noted by Rush Limbaugh, the democrats "can tie every life decision you make to health care that they are paying for, then they can deny you certain things. They can tell you can't eat that, drink that, can't go there, can't travel there, can't have too many kids, can't do this. They have total control over who you are and how you live based on how much your health care is gonna cost them. There will be death panels. There will be rationing. There will be decisions made on who gets treatment and who doesn't, and it's gonna be based on age. It's gonna be how some bureaucrat values your life versus somebody else's, who's worth more in terms of getting treatment so they live longer, who does the country miss less if they die sooner."

If elected, Hillary will eliminate choice from your health care coverage while further eroding your freedom.

Obamacare Implodes -- As Designed by Rush Limbaugh

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