Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Left Purposely Forgets The Forgotten Man

"The Forgotten Man President Trump often references should never be forgotten.

At CPAC 2017, a speech from Amity Shlaes, author of the brilliant work "The Forgotten Man," introduces him to you. He is an individual the left forgets in orchestrated fashion, as he serves as a vehicle for their social engineering projects.

Ronald Reagan once said government is not the solution to the problem; government is the problem.

Amidst confusing economic and governmental policy, understanding the plight of the forgotten man develops the knowledge that potentially morally sound efforts at intervention come with heavy costs on free markets and individual freedom through excessive taxation and regulation.

As such, while the forgotten man bears the costs associated with government provided entitlements, which strip away the freedom and dignity of the individual recipient, one should never forget there is no free lunch.

Free Market Capitalism remains the best path to liberty and prosperity!

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