Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Imagine The Arrogance

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had the worst coronavirus response in the country. Why should anyone read his book?---The Washington Examiner

"Gov. Cuomo, who presided over the worst pandemic response in the country and whose policy actively and directly made it worse, has no business writing a book to congratulate himself on a job well done. He deserves exactly zero plaudits for good leadership and should be remembered for, if anything, his “impossible mountain” of death."--Dr. Kevin Pham, MD.

Nobody should read Governor Cuomo's book, and given his horrific performance in dealing with the virus, it is astounding that he had the arrogance to write one.

Much of New York City remains shut down further exacerbating an economic catastrophe, with no tourism and local businesses engaging in guesswork to find out when they may fully reopen.

Cuomo is a disgusting individual, a leftist intellectual elite who thinks he knows how you should live your life better than you do. He should be promptly disposed from holding political office.

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