Upon leaving government in 2008, Walker has been sounding the alarm bell about the dire financial condition Uncle Sam is in, including participating in the movie IOUSA. Walker served as President of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation until late 2010, when he left to form The Comeback America Initiative. The mission of The Comeback America Initiative as stated on their website is to promote fiscal responsibility and sustainability by engaging the public and assisting key policymakers on a non-partisan basis in order to achieve solutions to America's fiscal imbalances.
I have long respected David Walker and have appreciated his efforts leading the way in attempting to wake the American people up and working to form solutions. Upon learning of Walkers Comeback America Initiative, I thought this would be a fine organization to support given Walkers history and the imminent need for financial sanity in America.
As I was investigating CAI, the list of the Board of Directors I found to be very concerning. Walker has always operated from a bipartisan platform, but two members of the CAI board I find unacceptable as they operate against the very principles of free market capitalism and sound financial efforts to, as CAI's mission statement suggests, achieve solutions to America's fiscal imbalances.
In fact, these two Gentlemen I feel actively work against such initiatives.
Andy Stern, former President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), was at one time the most frequent visitor to President Obama in the White House. Workers of the world unite Stern, at the helm of SEIU, significantly contributed to bloating of entitlements which have put this country in a stranglehold. More troubling, on numerous occasions, Stern's SEIU operated as thugs, often violating the law. A mob of 500 SEIU thugs surrounded a Bank of America executive's home. No problem for Stern, who said "We took names. We watched how they voted. We know where they live." Glenn Beck has more:
It is time to fight the thugs, not have them serve on boards on how to fix the financial woes of our nation, woes through entitlements they push are central to the problem.

Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners, is a progressive champion of social justice and a spiritual adviser to President Obama. Wallis has described himself as a fan of Marxism and has openly called for the redistribution of wealth in society, stating this is what the gospel is all about. President Obama is making every effort to redistribute our wealth, to forgo charity and just take or steal money from those who have it and transfer it those in need under the premise of social justice. Glenn Beck has more:As I was investigating CAI, the list of the Board of Directors I found to be very concerning. Walker has always operated from a bipartisan platform, but two members of the CAI board I find unacceptable as they operate against the very principles of free market capitalism and sound financial efforts to, as CAI's mission statement suggests, achieve solutions to America's fiscal imbalances.
In fact, these two Gentlemen I feel actively work against such initiatives.

It is time to fight the thugs, not have them serve on boards on how to fix the financial woes of our nation, woes through entitlements they push are central to the problem.

Perhaps by having Stern and Wallis on the CAI board, Walker can keep his friends close and his enemies closer, but somehow I doubt that is what is happening. Although I remain supportive of David Walker, I will refrain from supporting his CAI effort as long as the board of directors is occupied by opponents of free markets and proponents of social justice, Marxism and wealth transformation. These are among the folks who are actively destroying this country from within through expansive and massive entitlements, and I am vigorous in my opposition to them.
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