Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Manufacturing Malaise

The Republican National Committee has produced a new ad comparing the horrendous Presidency of Jimmy Carter to that of our current office holder, Barack Obama.

While the comparisons are striking, as the economically idiotic similarities appropriately pointed out, unfortunately, our current status is far more troubling. For those who have yet to recognize it, the coordinated series of actions taken by the Obama administration are part of a process to fundamentally transform the United States of America. Obama as much as said so just days before he was elected.

Evidence of these actions have been well chronicled over time here on the blog, but the centerpiece of plan is the Cloward and Piven strategy, which I strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with.

Certainly, decisions made by the Obama administration and the Democratically led bodies of Congress over the past three years have boggled the mind, seemingly absent of any level of common sense. The polices are a massive failure. We are in the midst of economic failure, and in foreign policy, we have abandoned our friends to flirt with our enemies. Fast and Furious, the actions taken against the automakers bond holders, ACORN, Solyndra, Occupy Wall Street and even a recently passed defense bill, with some rather interesting parts, are significant examples.

Now, I know, White House Spokesman Jay Carney wants to skip the question and move on to "something more serious", but that is how this group operates. The transformation is much more than a global transfer of wealth, but an effort to control human behavior through governmental influences. Top Obama Czar Cass Sunstein, author of the book "Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness", is orchestrating the nudge of our citizenry with the full blessing of the Obama. And most of America has no idea they are being played.

Our liberties are eroding at an alarming pace under this regime, and those who are asleep while enjoying guilty pleasures along the lines of "Dancing With The Stars" are being nudged to remain bystanders to a changing history they will regret they did not attempt to intercept.

It will be a history of darkness for those Obamabots who aspire to achieve greatness, for their efforts will not be determined by work ethic in a free market system but a byproduct of what the government decides is worthy of your sacrifice, where some technocrat determines winners and losers.

Once you recognize it is communism, it our sovereignty will be gone and it will be far too late to change course. An evil storm is brewing, and take the word of a Mariner; the storms arrive very quickly unabated on the open sea.

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