Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fire Breathes Out of Overton Window

Word on the street is that one of the conservative Supreme Court Judges is considering retirement.

Now, as a conservative, thinking of my country, my fellow man and my children and grandchildren, under zero circumstance would I consider retirement with the current administration in office if I had the honor of being a member of The Supreme Court.

Are you familiar with the Overton Window theory?  If not, please immediately familiarize yourself with the theory, as it will be a central tenant surrounding most if not all forthcoming actions by the Obama administration.  The theory was highlighted in a recent editorial in The Wall Street Journal when the Chick-fil-a debate uproar was on the front pages.

With the media in criminally complicit concert with the current administration, alternative blog sites have become central to obtaining vital information.  Among the top notch blogs I monitor is The Ulsterman Report .  A unique and riveting highlight of the site has been an ongoing conversation between the host, Ulsterman, and secret operatives known as The White House Insider, The Military Insider and The Wall Street Insider.

At first review, I thought this may have been fiction, but as time went along I drew the conclusion the intriguing dialogues were very real; with topics and information alarming and dangerous. Information discussed in the interviews frequently became mainstream news weeks later.

In the aftermath of the election, Ulsterman has been introduced to an operative given the moniker of Republican Insider.  The conversations remain must reads for Americans seeking the truth.

In the latest conversation with RI, The Ulsterman Report reports that Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama, has indicated The White House intends to nominate an openly gay individual for appointment to the Supreme Court. RI reports operatives "are testing these waters".  Therefore, it is concluded Jarrett and staff are aiming to implement the Overton Window; having the president propose something far outside the majority of the American people only to retreat to an area they regard as a winning position.

The potential appointment of an openly homosexual individual is certain to create a fiery debate.  The GOP will be weak as usual, not wanting to potentially alienate any potential supporters.  Citizens will be pitted against one another in another chapter of class warfare, and the debate will expand beyond the appointment to gay marriage, which was profound religious effect, to racism and minority rights which could lead to civil unrest.  A perfect mess of chaos, which the administration objective.

However, as indicated by RI, while Americans engage in the "Trojan Horse" gay debate and the GOP defends false accusations of being the party of hate, the aforementioned Overton Window position is that administration seeks is to nominate the most radical supreme court justice in the history of the United States.

The administration does not care about the homosexual community in any way other than to use them as a vehicle to promote individuals who share the radical ideas of the administration in their effort to transform the United States of America; moulding it to their hearts desire.

Although the similarities are substantial, this aspirations of this administration far exceed the socialist objectives of Franklin Roosevelt and America is in deep peril.   To whomever the Justice is supposedly considering retirement, for the love of God and Man, that decision must be postponed as long as this administration, or those with similar objectives, are in charge.

Freedom may depend on it.

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