As my brother correctly stated on Friday evening, this attack on these innocent and helpless children carries a greater emotional pain for our citizens than the horrific events of September 11, 2001. To imagine the Christmas gifts that will not be opened is beyond heartbreaking.
As a Dad, and a proud American, I know my family joins millions around the world in praying for comfort for those who were directly affected by this unspeakable attack. A true act of evil.
Newtown looks like such a lovely place, and in the aftermath of the tragedy we learn of the heroic efforts of the staff at the school in their attempts to protect those little angels of students. The brave first responders also demonstrated an incredible level of professionalism. God Bless You All!
One thing I am quite clear on is that President Obama loves his two beautiful daughters, and he feels the pain of this tragedy like most all parents. It was an act of faith in many ways for parents across America to send our kids off to school this morning. "We can't tolerate this anymore," Obama said. Rarely am I in agreement with President Obama, but I concur that carnage of our citizens at soft targets around the country strongly suggests that America has some questions to answer.
Obama excels as Consoler and Chief, and his opening and closing comments at the service in Newtown last evening were surely heartfelt and meaningful as our nation weeps.
However, in the middle of the speech Obama went on offense conveying how he will use the power of his office to regulate change, and I find it concerning. Will his effort bring out the post partisan leadership many who supported him have longed for, or will he utilize a crisis to obtain political victories only possible during times of tragedy.
While Obama engages America in welcomed rhetoric standing above, for the most part, engaging in the politics of this tragedy, his surrogates are on high octane offense.
Former Obama COS Rahm Emanuel has called for a nationwide assault weapons ban, he of the "never let a crisis go to waste" gameplan. Over at CNN, Soledad Obrien, who can hardly contain her emotional support of Obama, has urged Obama to track people and firearms. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who literally wants to govern your life, has called for an enforceable assault weapons ban. Over at MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, who claims to be the "resident" conservative, said Friday changed everything and has reversed course in the aftermath of the events and has changed his long held position on gun laws.
I am not a gun owner, although I have been considering taking the initial steps of becoming one. It is my right as an American. But taking in these comments, I can only conclude the left is obviously going after the guns; and those who own them, period. Sadly, as the administration has changed the conversation by muddling the definitions of so many words, we must adequately define what would be considered an "assault" weapon prior to having an honest dialogue.
Perhaps some styles of military style weapons and "cop killer" ammunition are not reasonable for the citizens to own. However, if this were to be recognized in a common sense debate would it be met as moving the Overton Window and taken as a step in winning political positions for the Democrats? I suspect so, therefore any willingness to give any ground on the issue exhibiting common sense will not be given.
I am hopeful President Obama will step back and examine the entirety of these complex issues, which contrary to his surrogates calling for immediate action in strengthening gun control, is about far more than attacking the Second Amendment. After a touching speech after Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot, Obama failed miserably to corral the divisive rhetoric he found inappropriate In fact, Obama stoked the fire on numerous occasions. Often, the rhetoric of Obama offers optimism, but pessimism underlay his actions.
However, I am skeptical he will do so, as I do not find President Obama and his surrogates as honest brokers. Just last week, actor Jamie Foxx, a big Obama supporter and friend, spoke of gleefully "killing all the white people" in his new movie. About that rhetoric Mr. President?
While I am not a fan of commissions, a recommendation I heard last night to perhaps have retiring Senator Joe Lieberman (I:CT) to lead such an investigation seems to hold merit. Many aspects need to be reviewed, inclusive of but not limited to mental illness, youngsters who place zero value on life, political correctness limiting God in our public discourse, child abuse, Hollywood and video games, which desensitize killing.
However, we must note that the individual who committed the crime is responsible for his actions, and those of us law abiding citizens should not be punished with a loss of liberty due to his reprehensible actions.
Freedom is not without high costs; however, if we are unable to adequately protect our children, we must examine the factors at play which prohibit that from happening and promptly address them.
President Obama has an opportunity here to lead in a meaningful way as our President. Should Obama join his surrogates already in effort to seize the day in attacking the Second Amendment
implemented so our citizenry may be armed to thwart an oppressive and tyrannical government, I will join those is stiff opposition.
The Obama administration is among the most power grabbing administrations in history, closely resembling in many ways the FDR years in moving the Overton Window from liberty towards tyranny. Evidence does not suggest they have a deep concern for constitutional rights, as Obama has proclaimed it an imperfect document.
Perhaps it would be wise to, once again, receive guidance during these times from Ronald Reagan:
Evil is always opportunistic, no matter what weapon. However, the power of God will rule the day. Our hearts bleed for those affected in Newtown, but evil will ultimately be defeated. We must all do our part to make it so.
We will continue to mourn with those in Newtown, and will forever remember those God has called home much too early. God Bless those little angels lost, the brave school administrators who lost their lives, extended families and friends, the fine folks of Newtown and the United States of America.
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