Thursday, July 25, 2013

An Avenue For Prosperity For All

America is being taken down from within.  Quickly, and by design.

One the tools being utilized by those in power to accomplish this feat is by pitting groups, classes and races of our citizenry against one another.  With the help of the ministry of propaganda, the mainstream media, the efforts have been most successful.

Race has been a particularly useful tool by the Obama administration, from the cops acting stupidly in Boston to failing to prosecute voter intimidation in Philadelphia. 

Individuals who question the policies of Obama are considered racist. Groups who offer opposition are labeled terrorists. Vice President Joe Biden called Tea Party Members terrorists, and many of the low information voters lack the necessary acumen to decipher how incorrect this is. If you think these were actions of the past, just yesterday college republicans were turned away after attempting to attend a speech by President Obama at the University of Central Missouri.  They were prevented from attending "for the presidents protection".

There are many other examples, but a shooting in Sanford, Florida provided the optimal platform for those in power to stoke the fires. Even though this event involved a Hispanic and a black, seemingly at the direction of the administration, the media, with particular help from NBC, the case morphed into a major race dividing case.

With local news boiling over in the immediate aftermath of the, I drew some conclusions based upon the information I had gathered.  As the case has settled, with George Zimmerman having been found not guilty by a jury of his peers, after hearing the evidence, I note that some of my initial thoughts were off the mark.

Evidence to suggest Zimmerman was in any way a racist was completely absent.  In fact, evidence suggests the contrary, most specifically noted by media reports that he mentored a couple of young black children.  Also, evidence says Zimmerman did attempt to go back to his vehicle after being directed by the 911 operator, but was met and subsequently attacked by Trayvon Martin. We have learned Martin was a young man traveling down the wrong path having made several recent mistakes in judgement. The state overcharged he case, and based on the evidence, the only verdict that could be reached was innocent as charged.

It is noted that both parties could have prevented the event from happening, but tragically, that did not happen.

Although the state of Florida did not bring the Stand Your Ground Law into the case, leftist progressives have seized the opportunity to rail against the law and are seeking to have it eliminated. I am sure they are unaware the Obama, while in the Illinois state Senate, co-sponsored a bill to strengthen the law in Illinois. Hypocrite?

With the usual race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leading the way, the case has driven a wedge in between normally sensible folks.  Rather than recognizing an individual is legally entitled to protect themselves from being mortally wounded, since Martin was black, the law seems to be readily discarded.  It seems, as Pastor Ken Hutcherson says, many blacks have put their blackness ahead of everything, including God.  This is not healthy.

President Obama, who self proclaims himself as in company with our great presidents, had a once in a lifetime opportunity to be Lincolnite and use his position to strongly enhance race relations, with malice toward none and charity to all.  No such luck.

Obama has been divisive, attacking religion and tradition and encouraging entitlements, which tramples the incentive and spirit of many a man.  In fact, a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal submit that race relations have plummeted since Obama took office.

Obama is crushing the economy through his policies, and the unemployment levels among young black men are at historical highs. Without the economic means to improve their lives, many young men in the inner cites have had their opportunities greatly diminished.  Obama also cut significantly the voucher program, virtually eliminating another important vehicle for youngsters to better their educational opportunities.

In Obama's hometown of Chicago, black on black murders of young men is at a tragic and embarrassing rate. Although the bankruptcy of Detroit had been coming at us for quite some time, many of the problems that led to the demise of the Motor City center around the problems associated in the inner city black community. The demise of the traditional family in these communities is beyond alarming, and a central factor in the problems.

Obama has done nothing to assist the situation.  In fact, in attacking the churches, many of which operate schools, vehicles of escape such as education outside the public school system and spiritual opportunities in the inner cities, have been greatly diminished.

Bill O'Reilly has had enough, and blasted all those in charge in a tremendous "Talking Points".

The problems in the inner cities, particularly in the black community, are seemingly out of control.  Race relations are weakening among many, with Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder encouraging the negative discourse.  Obama has wasted a golden opportunity, and unlike Lincoln, finds malice with many and exhibits charity toward elites only.

I do not have the answers to these problems. I think economic enterprise zones as championed by the late Jack Kemp could be helpful given crime can be controlled.  Those in these communities could learn plenty and set solid foundations by embracing faith, reading the writings of Frederick Douglass and implementing the non-violent leadership by example, with respect of the law exhibiting class and dignity of someone they all claim to admire; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If America could get this corrected and headed in the right directions, imagine the prosperity for all.

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