Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Orchestrated Lies Fuel Group Conflict

Early in the first term, the Obama administration engaged in an effort to bring under the authority of the executive branch The Census Bureau.  With most of American still immersed in their slobbering love affair with the anointed one, those tethered to common sense were puzzled at such an effort.

Most thought this effort, which was successful, would be utilized to somehow bolster election oriented results for Obama and his progressive lemmings.  Surely, the administration used The Census Bureau in every way possible to help the prospects of their followers.

Perhaps many did not foresee the arena in which The Census Bureau would play an integral role; unemployment numbers.  Breaking on Tuesday, we learn in a New York Post column by John Crudele that the administration has been alleged to have sought out, (demanded) the manipulation of these numbers just prior to the election.

At the time of their release, many spoke out claiming foul, but those who did, inclusive of famed CEO Jack Welch, were dismissed and discredited as not in command of the facts or extreme opponents of the president who present false accusations.

Welch, and others, were correct, which is why they were so vehemently attacked.

Let me be clear.  The unemployment number criterion has been altered and the number presented to the public today is not the same number presented to the public twenty years ago.  Please examine our previous post on unemployment, Shadow Stats and take a moment to read a recent editorial in Investors Business Daily for further clarification.

The media wont inform the public as Rick Santelli of CNBC further explains, lamenting the media for their complicit action in deceit.

There are 90 million people out of the work they desire, a simply staggering number. When job seekers exhaust a time period of search, they fall off the count which lowers the unemployment rate.

Furthermore, if the economy was improving and job opportunities were increasing, members now on the sideline would re-enter the job search and become part of the statistical pool once again.  With additional workers seeking new jobs, the result would be a slight increase in the unemployment rate.

Therefore, given the minuscule growth taking place in spite of the policies of the Obama administration, the claim Obama made signaling the sudden lowering of the unemployment rate was due to an improving economy, although it sounded good when you say it fast, was yet another falsity presented by our Commander in Mistrutths.

The administration wants to give lip service to working to create jobs, but the actions thrust those able to see in another nefarious direction, one bearing witness to the crashing of our economic system.

Only in the full embrace of socialism is pay dictated by sources with no skin the game, no investment in the process and with no legal right to interject.  Take for example the protests, set to be performed and orchestrated with the full support of those sharing goals with the administration, to have worker strikes at fast food restaurants where the organizers of the movement seek to demand a $15-an-hour wage for fast-food workers, which when boiled down is a transfer of wealth from "haves to have nots" Karl Marx dreamed about.

Although it is portrayed differently in the news media and by union leaders, the minimum wage is not what would be designated as a living wage; better stated, it is designed to accommodate temporary employment and not to produce an income for a head of household.

This is a basic thought process in economic theory, but an alarming number of people think it is good to raise the minimum wage. That action actually decreases employment and reduces prosperity

In the world of free market economics, pay is most often dictated by performance, and should your skills elevate your performance beyond the ability of the employer to adequately compensate, the employee advances to a higher level of employment. 

As the ends justify the means in true Saul Alinsky style, engaging in the misrepresentation of the truth to the public is of little risk to an administration manipulating a trivial society drowned in a sea of irrelevance. The misrepresentation on the aspects of employment in America is one tentacle of several actions designed to encourage class struggle and divisive altercations between the haves and nave nots, culminating in civil unrest ushering in a crashing of our economic system resulting in the fundamental transformation of The United States of America.

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