Thursday, December 19, 2013

Self Loathing

Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez has delivered yet another alarmingly illustrative metaphorical truth of unrivaled arrogance while collapse increasingly lurks about.
Michael Ramirez/Investors Business Daily
Taunting us, no doubt basking in the glow of his destructive accomplishments, Obama internally chuckles, knowing that with the help of a complicit media of propagandists, the majority of America, drowning in a sea of irrelevance, fails to see the real Obama.

Promises have turned to lies.  Transparency is cloaking in deception, and faith based principles are mired in a war with political correctness.  Legislation and executive orders are implemented to inflict short term pleasure sure to result in long term pain, a controlling mechanism.

Rule of law is escaping the hand of liberty, and lawlessness and chaos are seeping through weakened portals.  George Orwell thought society would be ruined by our fears.  Instead, the orchestrated collection of freebies through government forced redistribution for "have nots" aiming at exploitation of  the "haves" indicate it will be the desires Aldous Huxley warned us of that turn our land to ruin.

All the while Obama takes time to secure "The Selfie". 

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