Oh, those victories are piling up, aren't they.
Although we are continuously informed of unimagined success via false rhetoric and propaganda, the reality on the ground cascades into defeat.
At least President Obama is a legend in his own mind, and in the narrow halls of the Obamabots mind sets.
Our opponents stand in astonishment that we have elected such an individual to lead our once great nation; either an economic and international relations neophyte or an individual with identifiable to goals to bring this country to its knees through wealth redistribution to seemingly right ill-perceived wrongs in effort to promote social justice with equal opportunity, and outcomes.
Both lines of thinking will escalate the demise of this nation as we have known it, and just might get tens of thousands killed.
Take the Global War on Terror.
According to Obama, under his brilliant leadership, al Qaeda is on the run, with only factions, or in the words of that major sports fan Obama, the jay-vees, still causing limited trouble these days. The war is over, again not possible without his intellectual acumen, and we can all rest easy now.
Except, the al Qeada flag was just recently raised over Fallujah and Ramadi, both located in the Anwar province of Iraq. In fact, as Breitbart reports, Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), a former Navy pilot and combat Veteran in Iraq, says these locations are being used to launch attacks into Syria.
Remember Syria?
Recall back in August, President Obama took to the national airways to plead for national support to take this country to war against Syria, who Obama described as having used chemical weapons on its own people. What ever came of that? Why is Obama no longer tearfully concerned about those poor children.
President Obama, not considering victory as a goal, informed a war weary nation he would end the war, and in his mind, he has with roaring success. But in reality, he has waved the flag of surrender, (don't think for a moment he finds this negative), making all our spilled treasure practically worthless all the while having placed the United States in an increasingly vulnerable position.
Our "scheduled" retreat provides far reaching opportunities for our enemies, and while everything is sunshine and lollipops according to Obama and his propaganda mechanized media. Last Christmas Eve, Buck Sexton of The Blaze, offers us a legit scorecard of our foreign policy and national security.
There have been such "limited"events such as the Boston bombing, but none are more attention grabbing at the moment than the warnings of terror attacks surrounding the upcoming Olympics in Russia.
Amid a rash of terror threats, considered by most as active and alarmingly legitimate, there is growing concern worldwide which has resulted in unprecedented steps being taken to secure the games. Alerts for as many as four "black widows" and a "white widow," the wife of a dead terrorist, have been released by authorities, with fear these operatives have already infiltrated the immediate area of the games.
The hunt is on, and various news agencies, including FOX News and CNN, have reported that the US has positioned war ships within reach for a multitude of scenarios.
Russia President Vladamir Putin has vowed to "do whatever it takes" to secure the games, but Russia has a tainted history in dealing with these terrorists. Putin does not appear to be seeking much help from US authorities, although past working relationships in this arena have achieved results.
Sadly, the United States, under President Obama, has no credibility in terms of working relationships with allies in this arena, and furthermore, through weakness, has failed to present a stern front against the terrorists, rather embracing bad actors who harbor terrorists while embracing dialogue with those countries who actively engage in terrorist activities. See Iran, who is now estimated to be only within weeks of being able to produce a nuclear weapon.
It is this lack of resolve, void of leadership, and a dovish if not sympathetic position on the extensive dangers of terrorism, that emboldens our enemies and increases opportunities for their success. I subscribe to the Reagan philosophy of peace through strength, which is the opposite of the international relations being currently implemented by this strong reemergence of the blame America first crowd.
The global war on terror is not over.
I fear, having put these small minded arm chair philosophers fresh from the faculty lounge in charge, America and our partners in the west may indeed pay a steep price for not fighting these terrorist with a full arsenal. If so, the reasons we were placed in such a position of vulnerability should be quite clear.
It would rest with our current leadership, Ms. Clinton included, who are legends in their own minds.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Legends In Their Own Minds
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