Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Living Lies

Without question, the average household in America, at least those that are employed, are working harder and longer to provide the same standard of living of their household from just a decade ago. 

As such, even with expanding outlets, finding time to access the news of the day is tough. For the average individual who is not well schooled on political maneuvering, the degree of difficulty of deciphering the real story is almost impossible. 

Therefore, with the mainstream media continuously misrepresenting the facts, the regular working folks have absolutely no idea the level of corruption and deceit of the Obama administration.

In short, the lie to the American public on a daily basis.

Isn't funny that Obama sometimes knows about local events and stories that support his progressive agenda but finds out about the devastating effects of his presidency on the evening news?  Scandals involving Fast and Furious, The IRS and now the Veterans Administration; found out by the same news reports you and I did.

You think I kid you:

With the country 18 trillion dollars in debt, it is obvious Obama  does not require an advisory staff of thousands to give him information of the goings on if he is gaining this knowledge from The CBS Evening News, which, sadly, is nothing more than an extension of his communications department.

While the low information crowd may think President Obama is simply disengaged, the reality is quite the contrary.  Obama knows exactly what is going on, no doubt orchestrating much of it, and does not "find things out" from the news, like the folks.

From the Cloward and Piven Strategy of crashing our economic system through overload to implementation of the theories of Saul Alinsky, among those, pushing falsities with such repetition they break to the counterside, then are considered true or no longer relevant.

Obama is operating a masterful campaign of deception on the citizenry, transforming this once great nation into a big government collective, but time may be running out for him.  While I continue to be puzzled that Obama was able to win a second term, it certainly seems the lengthy scandal train has picked up enough of the citizenry that the trust the people have placed in him has been severely damaged.

The Obama lies, plentiful and historic, in which many politicians from both sides have enabled, have placed our nation in great peril.  The appearances of an awakening citizenry would be welcomed with great enthusiasm, as time is short in effort to protect Uncle Sam from enemies, foreign and domestic, who seek our demise. 

The enemies referenced above would include those who are against our Constitution and seek the transformation of The United States of America.

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