Monday, January 19, 2015

Principled Behavior

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was not a perfect man, none of us are, but he was a man of peace with a message for ages based on Christian principles. In many ways, his legacy has been so distorted by progressives few remember principles he advocated for as noted in the following political ad:


No violent protests for Dr. King.  No destruction of personal property or disrespect of the rule of law. King knew he was right, and he would show the world through principled behavior.

Dr. King wanted everyone to have an equal opportunity to take advantage of what this country had to offer through hard work, integrity, innovation and entrepreneurship.  In no way did he advocate for handouts, which destroy the motivation, incentive and self dignity of their recipients.

On this day, we should take time to remember the lessons we were taught by Dr. King, who is most worthy of your respect and admiration.  God Bless Him.

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