Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Turnstile of Terror

Here in America, those who aim for chaos are protesting in the streets against the nation's law enforcement over false yet perceived truths regarding treatment of minorities. Most of these folks are paid operatives, with a smaller percentage useful idiots who are all too eager to fight the man.

Sadly, thanks to the horrendous policies of the Obama administration, these morons might soon be clamoring for the help of our talented and outstanding law enforcement officials, as all of us have been proclaimed as targets for Radical Islamic terrorists around the world. It should be noted members of the terrorist groups that aim us harm are in the United States.

So, it goes without saying that freedom everywhere suffered at the hands of the terrorist act in Paris last week; an act without question perpetrated by Radical Islamic terrorists.

While President Obama has declared the global war on terror over and al Qaeda on the run, the actual terrorists are running roughshod across the globe, seizing territory and engaging in murderous mayhem.  ISIS, Boko Haram, al Qaeda; you name it, they are calling out their targets and inflicting terror.

While there are many recent terrorist acts worth noting, the events in Paris, where Radical Islamic terrorists killed 17 people in incidents at two location, seem to have the feel of the shark being jumped.

As Mark Steyn so appropriately said, "Obama talked the talk, but those guys walked the walk."

The Obama administration refuses to publicly recognize who is actually inflicting these acts of terrorism across the globe, such a glaring omission that even the mainstream media is down right confused. Why can't the Obama administration admit what the entire globe knows; that Radical Islamic terrorists are committing acts of terrorism in increasing and alarming fashion from sea to shining sea?

Perhaps we should think back.  Obama passed judgement on those who would dare "slander the prophet of Islam".  You may recall this quote from a speech Obama made last year at the United Nations:  "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam".

In page 261 of Obama's book "Audacity of Hope", Obama stated the following: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".  So when the world came together for a unity rally in Paris, it should not shock anyone that Obama would not be in attendance.  While some exhibit their colossal ignorance thinking it was an oversight, or perhaps not feasible due to logistics, Obama has told us where he stands; over and over again.  There is no way he would attend the rally.

While the French Prime Minister appropriately labeled France as "at war with Jihadism and Radical Islam", it did not take long for some backtracking, even by French President Francois Hollande, and for many on the left to blame France for the attack.   While French policies of appeasement and socialism have led to a failed society of multiculturalism, the entire blame for the terrorist attacks lands squarely on the feet of the Radical Islamic terrorists who committed the acts.

Connecting the dots is not difficult.  As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu correctly stated speaking at the rally, "the world is now understanding the threat of extreme Islamic terrorism".  Far be it for me, but I though this was quite clear at about 4:30PM on September 11, 2001.

President Obama is lacking in so many regards, but intelligence is not among that list.  Obama has a long history of, at the very least, being sympathetic to groups, or nations, that are Muslim and coexist with terrorists and their organizations.  Note his position, against American policy, as an opponent of Israel.  Note his warmth to The Muslim Brotherhood, and his swift anger with Egypt who dared to oppose their actions. Consider his lack of action as agents of Islamic terror move toward forming a Greater Syria establishing a caliphate in the middle east.

And ask yourself why under Obama does the United States continue to release prisoners who only return to wage terror on us again? Is he on their team? Obama seems to be operating a turnstile of terror.

As cynical as I am, I cannot believe President Obama wishes harm inflicted on world citizens by these agents of terror, but he certainly is not only sympathetic to Islam, he sides with them against us when "things turn ugly".  He told us so.

Things got "ugly" in France last week.  You saw where Obama stood, and it was not in France at the rally.

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