But what have we found? While finding time to join ESPN to announce his NCAA basketball tournament selections, Obama has struck out in attack. Not against ISIS mind you, but against Israel and re-elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
With our tax dollars, the Obama administration sent operatives over to try to help Netanyahu's opponent win office. While many point to the arrogance associated with Obama, and his juvenile and petulant attitude toward those who dare challenge him, the fact of the matter is far more troubling and dangerous.
Therefore, Obama and his team will flex muscle and attack Netanyahu and Israel for being "uncooperative". Obama Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said today that "an occupation that has lasted more than 50 years must end". With apologies to Obama and McDonough, it is not an "occupation" and for Obama and his team to move toward forcing Israel into such an agreement would be governance against the will of the American people, who overwhelmingly support Israel in this matter.
President Obama and his administration have made effort to make our longstanding allies enemies and our enemies, from those deemed political all the way to those who have initiated and seek out harm to our nation and our people, our friends. Imagine that?
Although few do, I know what I am dealing with President Obama. As we have established in numerous posts, we deem him an anti-colonialist with little regard or appreciation of the traditions and history of this nation. Obama is seeking the rise of the caliphate, the rising of a Muslim nation along the lines of the old Ottoman Empire, which would rival if not totally eclipse Israel in the region.
The conclusions I have drawn might seem extremist when compared to the carefully placed rhetoric presented the American people, but a closer examination of the actions reasonably confirm the findings.
The negotiations Obama has entered into with Iran are a deadly example. Iran, through their militant armies in Hezbollah and Hamas, have been fighting against our troops for decades, and this includes supplying the weaponry used against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, Iran has not come close to demonstrating the necessary responsibility and trustworthiness to be a sensible player at the negotiating table.
For President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, to be working a deal with our enemy to allow their ability to gain command of a nuclear weapon, one they profess will be utilized to eliminate Israel, is treasonous in my view.
Do the Democrat members of Congress realize what these two opponents of America are engaged in? Do the American citizens, who voted for these men, have any working knowledge of the serious and dangerous shift in policy being embarked upon. Have they not seen the wreckage that has engulfed the middle east with Obama and his cast of characters in orchestration?
A few weeks back we wondered with others if Barack Obama is the worst American president ever or the first anti-American president? We answered both, and sadly, it is becoming crystal clear for anyone opening their eyes we were correct.
When you place the treatment of Israel, which is without question related to the Iranian negotiations and the efforts at establishing the caliphate with the orchestrated demise of our economy complete with suffocating regulation and taxation, class warfare, political correctness, the degrading of our military and police, the instigation of internal hostilities inclusive of race relations, the adversion to the truth, the takeover of health and education and the attack on Christianity within America, you have all the makings of an administration seeking to take down a country from within.
“The United States will never stop working for a two-state solution and a lasting peace that Israelis and Palestinians so richly deserve,” said McDonough. The Palestinians, led by Iranian proxy fighters Hezbollah and Hamas, deserve no such agreement, as they have in the past and continue as we speak to fight against our armed forces in the region. Those attempting to assist them should be considered as aiding and abetting our enemy, which last I knew, was defined as treason.
#WakeUpAmerica #ImagineAPresidentWhoSupportsIsrael
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