It should be noted those "working for you" politicians powerful enough to give gifts are powerful enough to take them away. Speaking of government officials flexing their power, in this case through association with the workers unions, we find Hillary Clinton.
She tweeted out attacking GOP presidential candidate and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker informing him how "unions help keep working families strong." Clinton's comment is demonstrably false, and while Ms. Clinton in no Ludwig von Mises, she fully understands this. The comment was directed at the low information voting class she actually has little to no regard for.
Scott Walker hammered her, and his response, while it bitch slapped Clinton, is very important for folks to understand his comments. While the low information workers think the unions and supportive politicians are getting up everyday to help them, while they are giving small benefits to them, they are actually increasing their power over them, choking them with punitive constraints.
The truly excellent website Zero Hedge had a long piece titled "when work is punished," which chronicled in great detail the stranglehold places on entitlement recipients, noting "how financially destructive it can be for low-paid workers to try and break free of their dependence on the public purse."
McDonald's has been the target of paid union protesters, demanding a raise to $15 per hour for minimum wage. When you lack common skills and educational prowess, your position for bargaining is most weak. While many would say this is why the union is needed, rather than forcing through extortion and bullying (Hi Hillary), some responsibility should be placed on the individual for not taking advantage of the public school system, advancing their education and skills and making poor life choices they expect their employer to pay for.
The minimum wage is not a wage a citizen should expect to raise their family on. Raises in wage levels should be performance based, not given to those lacking in education, responsibility and skills. When companies are forced through government intervention to raise wages, the result is a reduction in the work force, an economic principle the idiots in the picket line fail to comprehend.
Soon, very soon, the jobs of these low skilled workers will be replaced by robots. Do you think they have a life plan for that?
All part of the plan, a plan that not only fails to be recognized by the low skilled workers who are noting short of useful idiots, but eludes discovery by a large part of the sensible and educated folks who are working and are paying the entitlement tab.
The Hamburglar has got nothing on the progressives when it comes to thievery.
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