Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Truth Lost in Conflicting Chaos

It is spinning out of control.

The NASDAQ was down 1.5% today, with the VIX (volatility index) spiking.

Overseas, Europe is under siege, with Nigel Farage detailing the damage unfiltered immigration will cause, with those seeking to take America down following Europe's lead.

Additionally, there are escalating issues with Russia in the middle, where things are quickly getting nasty, with our side lead by enemies within.

The housing market seemingly everyone is cheerleading is a mirage, as home builders and home sales are crashing.

Physical gold is elusive; however, big money is chasing it. Big money is also betting on increasing rents, which is a signal the economy is far from healed.  Potential home buyers are unable to pull the trigger on purchases of new or existing homes, as median income is stagnant and full time employment growth is non-existent.

Then, there is the stock market, where too many dollars are chasing too few performing assets, creating inflationary values based on nothing.  Retail sales, and manufacturing, have also collapsed.

With conflicting information everywhere, it is tough to decipher propaganda from reality.  Look no further than the lack of inflation in the market, or so we are told by our government and their media partners. In many ways, they seem blended in ironic mesh.

But make no mistake, real trouble is near. The market knows; soon, we all will.

 (chart via WallStreetWindow.com)

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