Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Time To Take Your Government Back

It has been an interesting day in the political arena, which over the last decade and a half has seemingly completed a slow creep encroachment into our daily lives.

Two examples are presented for your review.

Just today, Rep. Paul Ryan, R:WI, announced he will step in and make a run at Speaker of the House, but demanded that certain conditions be met. The Blaze reports "Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told his GOP colleagues Tuesday night that he would seek the speakership if every Republican caucus endorsed him for the job."

The establishment is falling in line, as Rep.Jason Chaffetz @jasoninthehouse (R:UT) tweeted “I am out and supporting @RepPaulRyan for Speaker. Right person at the right time.”

No, that would be Daniel Webster, R:FL, and man of principle.

Although not even on the job yet, Ryan is demanding conditions our representatives must meet.  Screw Ryan!  He failed miserably to meet the one and only condition he was tasked with when the voters placed the GOP in control of the House:  Stop Obama!

Among the items Ryan failed to stop Obama on was illegal immigration.  But, as Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz recently wrote, “There is nobody around in the party who is more fanatically dedicated to the cause of open borders than Paul Ryan.” In fact, the left favors his candidacy.

Ryan, who supported the Trade Promotion Authority voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood (are you kidding me?), is a ruling class progressive who would continue governments encroachment over the citizenry.

Also today, as report by The Daily Signal, "the Senate Democrats blocked legislation that would punish “sanctuary cities” in a 54-45 vote Monday afternoon. The bill, called the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act, needed to overcome a 60-vote threshold. It would withhold certain federal funding from states or cities that refuse to comply with requests from federal immigration officials to turn over immigrants who are in the country illegally".  See how your Senator voted.

As Patrick J. Buchanan warned, "a country that cannot control its borders is no longer a country."

Illegal immigrants can continue to be harbored by cities promoting open borders, even if our citizens are getting killed. Bill O'Reilly is torqued, and so am I.

Enough.  It is time to take your government back from the ruling class elitists who think they can control your lives and make better decisions for how you should conduct your life than you can.

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