Saturday, March 12, 2016

Security Concerns

Paid protesters at the direction of (an organization Hillary Clinton helped start) forced the cancellation of a Donald Trump rally Friday evening in Chicago due to "security concerns".

Sen. Cruz sadly said "A campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment where the candidate urges supporters to engage in violence,"

Cruz is wrong.

Donald Trump is not to blame, the left is.

President Obama, the most divisive president perhaps ever, has created an environment which actively encourages division between race, class and economic standing. Trump accurately notes this, and those who are on the receiving end of the entitlements are prepared to initiate violence to keep them.

We appear to be carting a path similar to the election of 1968. Please pray for the safety of all our candidates, their supporters, the individuals who protect them, our police and our nation.

Free speech will not be silenced.

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