As the Daily Caller reports, "The image problems stem from an eruption of Black Lives Matter protests rocked the Columbia, Mo. campus in November 2015. The protests by a group calling itself Concerned Student 1950 group centered largely on Jonathan Butler, the son of a millionaire railroad executive. Butler went on a hunger strike and convinced 32 black Mizzou football players to boycott all team activities."
America was not impressed, and most consider Black Lives Matter a borderline terrorist organization.
“Black Lives Matter hates the American system of government, i.e., the Constitution and capitalism,” says Rev. Jesse Lee Patterson, founder and president of the civil-rights organization BOND. Patterson says the movement associates the U.S. with “whiteness,” and, therefore, despises the very government that appears to be endorsing it.
We noted at the time the University of Missouri was in trouble, mainly for how they appeasing Black Lives Matter, a social justice movement. This highly financed group is part of the agenda created to discredit churches, companies, agencies and organizations while creating divisions between classes through race, gender and economic status.
The New York Times notes a Mizzou journalism professor said "The protests could have been turned into an asset — a chance to celebrate diversity. “We still can.”
It seems to me that mindset remains steadfast in appeasement, not connecting with the values of most of America, and certainly from the heartland.
Mizzou should celebrate the chasing of dreams of their students through individualism and teamwork, not orchestrated diversity.
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