Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Communist Within

New York mayor calls for end of private property

Imagine for a moment the arrogance.

New York City Mayor Bill de balsio, a self proclaimed communist, wants to dictate the ownership and use of private property. Of course, private property is a central tenant of our founding.

We warned our New York friends about de blasio,but they went ahead and have overwhelmingly elected him anyway:

"DeBlasio is an impostor, an individual who does not share the vision of the founders and has actively fought against the interests of The United States of America. He is an opponent of freedom, and should in no way shape or form find himself anywhere the mayoralship of our beloved NYC."

If people like de blasio have their way and can issue governance over the citizenry in large scale, the light of freedom in our country will vanish and the great experiment of America will land in the ash heap of history.

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