Sunday, August 11, 2019

Unbelievable But Expected

It is astonishing to think that Jeffrey Epstein, awaiting trial in one of the most highly publicized cases our or time involving sex trafficking and sexual abuse of minors with so many people of power and influence perhaps involved, while on suicide watch could commit suicide.

Obviously, there is something quite not right about the entire situation. Seemingly, as expected, you can add Epstein the to list of the dozens of individuals who were thought to have information damaging to the Clinton's to turn up dead.

However, to off Epstein is the most brazen of them all. To think of how protected those who participated in this act must feel should make you bones shiver.

Attorney General William Barr is appalled and has launched an investigation which reportedly includes the FBI. However, recent actions of protecting the Clinton's in that department destroys the level of confidence in their work in this case.

For many, Epstein was considered to have information which might finally hold some of the despicable power brokers to account, but it has historically failed to happen, and with Epstein's "suicide" the chance of it happening now got all hung up again.

The Clinton's mean business. Govern yourself accordingly.

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