Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nowhere To Hide!

President Trump announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed at the hands of the US Special Forces. This is awesome news and world is a safer place as a result!

Baghdadi, while attempting to orchestrate horrific attacks on the United States, has been running his mouth for years. In the end, Baghdadi had nowhere to hide.

America should be thrilled, but as you may suspect, the left is feeling remorse at the loss of such an important religious world leader:

John Noonan destroyed WaPo in a tremendous tweet:

Thank you to the President Trump, the US Special Forces and the US Military for riding the world of this terrorist.  Your nation is grateful.

In the end, Baghdadi had nowhere to hide. We also note the left and their mainstream media partners are no longer even attempting to hide; their allegiance.

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