Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hottie Toddy Everybody!

The euphoria associated with Ole Miss emerging under first year coach Houston Nutt has FOX's Sudio B host Sheppard Smith quite looped from the Kool-Aid he has no doubt been drinking. He defensively proclaimed there was no media bias in the election of Barack Obama! Looped? Call it shit canned!

Several newspapers have since stated the bias they had toward Obama, and MSNBC was the NYC Obama headquarters. NBC is loaded with pro Obama folks, led on CNBC by John Harwood, who was simply disgusting in his nightly "equitable assessment" during appearances on Kudlow & Company, and the ridiculous tandem of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews on MSNBC.

I suspect Smith is showing his bias. I recall Smith, along with Geraldo Rivera, was strongly critical of the Bush administration for the handling of Hurricane Katrina. This of course the natural disaster where Bush told folks living in a city 8 feet under sea level with the storm of all ages bearing down to leave, they did not, and paid the cnsequences of their actions, much to the dismay of Smith and Rivera.

Shepp has come a long way from covering the car wrecks down here in Orlando for WCPX-CBS-6, but he is obviously full of himself if he remotely suspects his profession is not biased in it's political coverage. Obama supporter, idiot or liar? Hottie Toddy Everybody!

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