Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Media Malfeasance

Anymore, I get up in the morning wondering when Mr. Scott beamed me to a somewhat synchronized planet because my America is damn near unrecognizable these days.

Among the many items of note is the jumping of the shark, scratch that, the metamorphosis, of the news media and the extreme bias they demonstrated during this election. Regardless of which side you party on, you would agree the media has somewhat of a fiduciary responsibility to the citizens of this country not to blatantly attempt to direct the flow of news related information in a biased manner. They continue to fail miserably.

This video by John Zeigler on his site How Obama Got Elected, posted everywhere, is shocking to some but exactly what I suspected:

On the 30th anniversary of the tragic mass suicide among followers of Peoples Temple religious cult leader Jim Jones, we recognize, or so I think, how powerful voices can strongly influence trusting folks whom they empower with false or misleading information. It just happened again, and thankfully there has been no loss of life because of it. Yet.

The news media should be held accountable, for this is not about advertising dollars! This is about our country, and the lives of our children. They do not care, which I guess is why I was on the side of Country First and they were not.

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