Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Govenment Power Grab of College Football?

In the past year, we have seen the most expansive governmental power grab of my lifetime. Given the numerous successes of governmental influence, including the Post Office, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Medicare, prompt vaccinations, the Department of Motor Vehicles, our prison system and regulatory agencies like the Securities & Exchange Commission, one would wonder who would want these idiots controlling the local car wash.

The government is on the verge of controlling the media, our health care and our energy usage. As alarming that is, it appears an effort to control a precious part of our fabric is also underway. Jenna Lee engages the discussion:

These morons can't control the financial SEC, so now they want to regulate the other SEC! Good grief! I reject governmental influence and disruption in markets, and the last thing I want is them dictating regulation in the color and pageantry of college football. Barack Obama, and most of these Congressional meddlers, would not recognize Bobby Dodd from Bob Devaney and have no idea who plays annually in The Iron Bowl. The third Saturday in October is time for Tennessee and Alabama, not for government to get any crazy ideas. Given the governments embracing of political correctness, will we be awarding trophies to all participants rather than those actually winning championships?

Certainly, there are more pressing issues. Doesn't Obama have a fund raiser to attend? Some dancing or basketball? Afghanistan? Stay away from our Saturday afternoons! Otherwise, fans across the country will be coming to your city to throw you out of office, joining NASCAR fans, tea party members and free market capitalists everywhere!

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