Thursday, October 29, 2009

Piece By Piece

Five days before the presidential election last year, Senator Barack Obama declared that he and his supporters were "five days away from fundamentally transforming America". The comment flew by most who heard it, but the grim reality is that since his election, this is exactly what he is doing. If most Americans were aware of it, they would be really pissed.

Over on FOX News, Glenn Beck is brilliantly laying out this case on his 5PM EST program, and he is throwing up ratings never before seen. But, and sit down for this one, most of the mainstream media portray Beck as a crackpot, and therefore, many American citizens out busting their ass to make a living and spending time with their family do not have time to get the real story and discount Becks presentations.

In addition, that same mainstream media, as well as several elected officials, have labeled those voicing their opposition to Obama and his policies as racists. Sure, it is a sign of defeat when you pull out the race card, but while all this rhetoric is being tossed about, it distracts us from the reality that the America out founders fought to create is in fact being transformed by this administration.

In a column in Investors Business Daily, famed author and economist, Dr. Thomas Sowell, The Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at Stanford's Hoover Institution, lays out the evidence. No one can claim Sowell is a crackpot, or for that matter, a racist. Sowell is one of the top economists around these days and his opinions are well worth your consideration. Please take a moment to read his editorial, which I find right on target.

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