For the record, I would give Obama a better than average grade if I subscribed to his line of thinking. I do not, and therefore would place a grade of D on Obama. The President declared he will transform America, and he is doing just that. George Washington would oppose him vehemently, as I do.
Obama states that his administration inherited the biggest set of challenges since FDR, which is of course a slam on his predecessor, George W. Bush. Much, if not all, of the challenges Americans face was not the fault of George W. Bush.
In the interview, Obama offers that his administration has stabilized the economy and prevented a substantial financial meltdown which may have led to another Great Depression which has led to the economy beginning to grow again. One would hope to see growth having thrown a trillion dollars at the problem. Obama's economic policies are in fact contributing to the continuation of the economic problems we face. Amity Shlaes has written extensively on this subject, including the unemployment problem. Signs of economic growth are anemic and fears of a double dip recession and return to the recent lows on the S&P 500 are well founded.
Obama feels his plan for Afghanistan is the "best possible". I am really confused because he is sending more troops while forecasting an exit plan, not noting whether victory would be considered. The plan is borderline incompetent. We are leaving Iraq, but no thanks to the cut and run crowd he is part of. Obama, whenever present, was a huge opponent of our efforts in Iraq, so if anyone deserves, wait for it, "a shout out", it is ole W.
We definitely do have a more favorable image among those overseas, mainly among those countries we are at odds with. They love Obama's anti war posture, his accommodating stance toward socialist countries and dictators and his position on global climate change, which is otherwise known as a transfer of our wealth to these nations, who through their backward economic policies and opposition to freedom for their citizens, view us a thief of their fortunes.
The consensus about North Korea and Iran refraining from production of nuclear weapons existed long before Obama entered the political stage.
The passage of the proposed health care plan, taking over 1/6th of our economy, violates free market principles and will impose a hefty form of taxation and regulation to the small businesses of America. This will significantly hamper economic growth and be a job killer, thereby expanding the length and deepening the economic downturn we find ourselves in, revisiting the historic missteps of those in charge in the Great Depression as the aforementioned Amity Shlaes outlined in The Forgotten Man.
Obama is doing his best to make Jimmy Carter look good in every facet of the game. Unfortunately, he is so impressed with himself that he is failing to recognize the country is turning on him as reported by Rasmussen, and rightfully so.

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