Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Languishing Among Looters

The events of 2009 were economically horrible as free market capitalism was assaulted on a frequent basis. Throw in a corrupt government with increasing involvement in the economy and you are living Ayn Rand's classic, Atlas Shrugged. The number of those now looting off the government with our money is staggering.

I have chronicled the rise in popularity of Ayn Rand on the blog over the last year HERE, HERE and HERE.

CNBC's Larry Kudlow visits with Jerry Bowyer and Don Luskin regarding Ayn Rand's legacy. Although Rand was an Atheist, Christians can indeed adopt great portions of this philosophy and do so. Take a listen:

As Kudlow states in his Kudlow Creed, Free Market Capitalism is the best path to prosperity. The sooner we change course and get back to this creed the better we all will be.

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