Almost immediately, many corporations, some of whom helped craft the legislation, quickly realized the burden the legislation would have and sounded a loud alarm. McDonalds led the way.
Of course, many of us recognized this from the get go, including Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who spoke yesterday on the subject. The lovely Shannon Bream of FOX News has the story:
As noted by Bachmann, certainly among my favorite currently elected officials, some 111 corporations and unions have been granted a waiver in terms of adhering to the biting regulatory grip of the legislation. Obviously, once again, the government under this administration is picking winners and losers, which is in violation of free market principles. I run a handful of small businesses, but, seriously Dude, where is my waiver ?
While rising costs and the prospect of a restriction on choice seem apparent, the problem is much worse than recognized by the average American.
Today, Donald Berwick, recently appointed by President Obama to be the nominee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, finally was formally introduced to Congress. Be advised, much like the NEA is not about the advancement of public education, the new healthcare plan is not about improved healthcare nor cost containment, but rather the redistribution of wealth. Don't buy it? Take a listen:
Berwick thinks government can more efficiently run health care than the private sector. No doubt, Berwick missed Reagan's proclamation that government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.
Additionally, the new heatlthcare bill contains measures allowing for death panels. I know you remember the intellectually hampered Sarah Palin getting lambasted by the mainstream media for having the gal to incite the public by claiming the formation and implementation of death panels existed within the bill. Golly, Palin is just so lacking in "intellectual curiosity".
I know facts are hard to come by when you live your life on the left side of the street, but perhaps if you favorite Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman describes that death panels are in fact part of Obamacare, and he did just that this weekend, you may recognize Palin posting on Facebook beat the New York Times to the story once again. Investors Business Daily slams Krugman on the nations top editorial page
Thankfully, due to the results of the recent election, which decimated the Democrats, the brakes will be slammed on the accelerated onslaught of crony capitalism under President Obama's transformation of America.
The country is in great peril due to the insane policies of this administration, and the sooner we put an abrupt halt to the implementation of said policies, the better.
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