For starters, as anybody with a calculator knows, the financial status of the United States is unsustainable. Given the emergency, you would think our leaders would be falling all over themselves to help fix the problem. To the contrary, they are adding to the problem. President Obama spoke during the State of the Union about freezing spending at current levels, this after the debt he has put on us surpasses all previous Presidents combined. Obama cannot be that stupid, but he thinks you are. Well, don't worry, the Republicans are have the House now. Worry. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, has had a plan for fiscal repsonsiblility put forth for two years now, that most Republicans run like the wind away from. Unfortunately, many think the elections were about them and now they get to spend our money. These are the Republican Progressives and Intellectual Elites that must be challenged in 2012.
The State of the Union speech was truly eye popping. Obama pontificated the great advance of the Soviet Space Program Sputnik, that launched US innovation, saying that we are at such a moment now. This speech, made just days before the 25th anniversary of the Challenger disaster, failed to make mention of the anniversary or highlight our space triumphs. On top of that, Obama is dismantling NASA and the space program.

Ronald Reagan loved America, the history and all our nation stood for, while Obama pledged to transform America. America was seen by The Gipper as the exceptional city on the hill, whereas Obama speaks of America as one of the countries on the map. Reagan inspired the individual and entrepreneurship, while Obama crushes small business owners with increasing taxation and stifling regulation under his wealth transfer agenda. Had anyone read any of Obama's books, it is clear that Obama had a strong distaste for the Reagan policies and he is actively working to dismantle them.
The contrast, with apologies to the idiots over at Time, will shake your bones. The media, in coordinated motion as Reaganite Republican points out, is trying to reshape the real facts. Please take a moment to listen to one of the best speeches ever given, A Time For Choosing. Reagan gave this speech in October of 1964, which will plant you firmly in your seat:
Speaking of A Time For Choosing, we will all be honoring Reagan on what would be his 100th birthday this upcoming February 6. Those sleazy Democrats, partnered up with he liars in the mainstream media, will be pointing at Obama as the new Reagan, even as Reagan would be appalled at the direction Obama aims to take America. In an announcement on January 27, 2011, The Young America's Foundation announced that Governor Sarah Palin will give the keynote address on February 4 at its Reagan 100 Opening Banquet at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California, for the 100th anniversary celebration of President Reagan's birthday. I am is full support this decision.

It is in fact Palin that best represents Reagan in this day and age. And yes, the media thinks she is a dunce also. Unfortunately, they may be winning the war as many Americans buy into the notion that non Ivy League educated Palin is not capable of leading our country. It is those elites, inclduing Obama, that are the actual idiots, or rather as Reagan said, they just know so much that isn't so.
Back in the day, Democrats underestimated Reagan and many country club Republicans fought hard against him. These are the same Republicans today that think the Tea Party is a problem and have long knives out for Senator Jim Demint, Representative Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.
The fight among Republicans will present itself soon, so get your scorecard ready. It will not be pretty, but it will be healthy. All these progressive Republicans will be forced to show their faces. Once they are purged, then we shift the fight to the profiteers of propaganda and those in support of the socialistic agenda of Barack Obama, for our freedoms and the survival of our country, the one loved by you and Ronald Reagan, may in fact slip into 1000 years of darkness.
We do have a rendezvous with destiny, for A Time For choosing is fast approaching.
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