Over the years, I have not been on par with Trump politically, particularly on the subject of the Iraq war. Trump thinks it was a horrible decision to engage Iraq, and due to that his opinion of George W. Bush is quite low. I completely disagree with those assessments.
Recently, Trump has labeled President Barack Obama as the worst in our history, which Trump says has forced him into considering a run for the White House himself. Conservative is how Trump labels himself, and therefore if he runs he will do so as a Republican.
His potential entrance into the political arena has already paid dividends. Outside of Trump tackling topics many run from, most notably China, he took on the birth certificate fiasco head on and low and behold, it finally appeared. For reasons like this, I welcomed his entrance into the fire.
Although it has seemingly tailed off this week, recent polling had Trump near or at the top of the leaderboard of GOP hopefuls for 2012. Common sense rhetoric is the vehicle Trump has used to gain these lofty poll numbers.
Many think this is a publicity stunt, and given Trump, who could argue. We will soon find out.
If Trump does run, he could play a real trump card.
Given his middle of the road stances on many issues and his dovish positions on middle east conflict, he will have great difficulty winning the GOP primary against a long list of strong candidates. Should Trump lose the GOP primary, he has ruled out an independent run, as he indicates this would likely hand the presidency to Obama, something he says would be catastrophic, and boy howdy do I agree.
Trump loves America no doubt, and he hates to see us in the weakened state we currently find ourselves in. Trump should seize the day, change his political affiliation to Democrat and challenge Obama in the Democratic primary. Trump could win that race fairly easily, slamming the charlatan on wide ranging issues from business economics to American spirit.
The Progressives have completely taken over the Democratic party, although this may be news to many in that group. I know there are many conservative Democrats who do not like the current direction of their party and would welcome a "Scoop Jackson" type Democrat to consider. In a primary, Trump could engage Obama directly, and I think this would be great fun.
This move would be fantastic theater and great for America, and it would give Trump the chance to speak in familiar tongue: You're fired!
Do it Donald; pull a real trump card!
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