President Obama claimed his intent to transform America. Michele Obama said Obama knew we would have to change our conversation, change our history and change our traditions. Along with the Progressives holding office, a complicit news media and the extremely lengthy tentacles of George Soros, they are closer than ever to pulling it off. Crashing the system Cloward and Piven style into a structured socialist system they have been busy constructing for decades is their goal.
America, asleep at the switch no doubt, is awakening to the extreme actions of the Obama administration. As Obama sits on the brink of launching this transformational change beyond the point of no return, the American public does not like what they see. But Obama is not going to back down quietly, his arrogance will not allow for it. And he has grander plans anyhow.
Even though Obama has been actively working around Congress from the beginning behind his slew of Czars and Cass Sunstein and is in defiance against Congress in the War Powers Act, his imperialist dreams would not allow him to formally sidestep Congress during the debt crisis en route to his own dictatorship. Or would they?
As appalled as I am by Obama's comments, the crowd cheering on the emergence of a dictatorship is unsettling to say the least. Are we in fact in danger of an Imperial Presidency? Indeed. Economist Jerry Bowyer and FOX News Andrew Napolitano discuss the possibility of Obama dodging the 14th Amendment. Take a listen.
While many have not been paying close enough attention, this type of behavior by Obama is not new. Authors Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski join Sean Hannity to discuss their book "The Blueprint". Blackwell explains Obama may perhaps only a Supreme Court Judge away from forcing this upon us. Take a listen:
America is in real trouble as freedom and liberty are at stake. It would be simple to say we are lacking leadership, but in reality we have an American impostor as Commander in Chief, an individual that does not see the fruited plain in the same way you and I visualize it. An economic neophyte, Obama is actively functioning to use economic destruction as the drive train in crashing the capitalist system, righting perceived wrongs through the transformation of wealth.
This action simply must be thwarted by any legal means possible. Backed by the TEA party, the Congressional Republicans are the only hope to block our demise. I pray they stand firm. May the words Ronald Reagan resonate the halls of Congress:
"It is time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden. And these will be our first priorities, and on these principles, there will be no compromise".
As this debt ceiling negotiation plays itself out, keep a keen eye on the other hand as our President is boxed into a corner, a spot he is unfamiliar being in.