Thursday, October 6, 2011

Heartless on America

President Obama spoke with the local NBC affiliate, NBC-WESH-2, and proceeded to call America soft. Sadly, in many ways, he is correct. But not for the reasons you, or he, might think.

The cradle to grave government progressive socialist policies are what has lead many Americans to shriek personal responsibility, work ethic and discipline leading them to operate in bewilderment void of leadership.

President Obama reeks of this, lacking in leadership and ducking responsibility claiming it is everyone else fault, which leads many of our young people seeking answers down the wrong path. Have you seen the useful idiots protesting down on Wall Street?

But while America is focusing on Obama's soft comment, I saw something else in the video that confirms my previous thought process on Obama and his fondness for America. Please see the video:

America is a great country, and that should be firm in the hearts of our citizens. But, oh my goodness, did Obama have difficulty getting that out. Why? This should roll right off the lips from our President, coming straight from the heart. It doesn't.

Imagine a father speaking of his son in this fashion? What if you were commenting on your spouse with this level of love and sparkle in your eye? Good Grief.

It is indeed most concerning, but it is clear from his actions, which extend far, far beyond the stuttering video, that Obama does not love America the way you and I do. Recall Michelle Obama announced she had just become proud of her country during the '08 campaign while Obama set forth 5 days before being elected to transform this nation. I conclude the Obama's are not representative of those who love this country deep in the heart.

Look around. It is time to call a spade a spade, and find with whom you stand. I am strongly against the transformation of our great land and stand strong in the fire behind our founding principles and those who will help restore this nation based on first principles.

What say you?

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