Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jobs I-Touched America

Apple's Steve Jobs, one of the top entrepreneurs of the last century who has touched countless lives through his innovations, has passed away from a lengthy battle with cancer. Without question, Jobs will be greatly missed.

Through Apple (AAPL:NASDAQ), which he started with a partner in his garage, Jobs entrepreneurial spirit and brilliance showed the way in technological product innovation and development, which has brought such joy to the droves of I-users all across the globe.

For non Apple users, Jobs forced the competitors to be at the top of their game, or they would be left in the ash heap of history, which ultimately was of enormous benefit to all consumers of the technology.

Jobs is someone folks with a burning entrepreneurial spirit should learn from and emulate. Jobs story, complete with failures learned from leading to rousing success, is the American story of free market capitalism.

Upon hearing the news of his death, which we all unfortunately knew was coming, I thought of Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005. His words on this day are words that all Americans should hear, particularly during these trying times.
Please take a listen:

Godspeed and God Bless to Steve Jobs, a true pioneer and Great American!

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