Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann roared out of the gate in the GOP presidential sweepstakes by winning the Iowa straw poll, which proved a knockout punch for fellow Minnesota candidate Tim Pawlenty.
Out came the long knives.
Don't blame it all on those intellectually challenged Democrats. Sharpened knives from the Progressives is what is at foot here, and regrettably this includes the Republican establishment, often referred to as RHINO's or Rockefeller Republicans. They have no interest in a Conservative woman who is a favorite of the Tea Party. After all, these folks are Progressives.
Bachmann got firebombed, complete with a hit piece cover story by Newsweek magazine. Add in a few gaffes on the campaign trail, and being labeled "crazy" by the lame stream media and down went the numbers.
Texas Governor Rick Perry jumped in the race, a Conservative with a great track record on job creation. In actual fact, Perry did not need the media to derail his campaign, thanks to some very poor debate efforts. Even so, he got hit on several fronts.

After all this carnage, former Godfathers Pizza Chairman Herman Cain got tremendous traction. Cain is very charismatic, and he unleashed a bold plan to reconstruct our inefficient tax system to rave reviews. Although Cain has been employed in several high profile capacities, his time at the National Restaurant Association supsiciously brought out of the woodwork four women accusing him of sexual harassment. Cain has suffered in the polls, as doubt has been created. Doubt can be most destructive, as brilliantly described in the 2005 award winning Broadway play by John Patrick Shanley.
Enter Newt Gingrich, the smartest man in the room. Newt readily admits he carries pounds of baggage, some deserved and some not. At any rate, with Gingrich out front, where will the knife come from?
Freddie Mac.
Gingrich consulted Freddie Mac, for a fee if you can imagine that, and this has the media in a tailspin. Given the problems to our economy caused by the back holes known as Fannie and Freddie, the media has concluded that folks who consulted these GSE's are eliminated from consideration of our highest office. Only if you are a Republican that is.
Never mind, nothing to see here, that several key figures in the Obama administration have very suspect backgrounds running, not consulting, Fannie and Freddie. See the following:
The New York Times David Brooks, who is a Republican impostor, describes James Johnson's relationship with Fannie Mae. Bloomberg Busninessweek outlines Franklin Raines story. Former Obama COS Rahm Emanuel was Director of Freddie Mac during scandal, reports ABC News. Peter Schwiezer's new book "Throw Them All Out" alleges insider trading. Jamie Gorelick, rumored to under consideration by Obama for Attorney General, is appropriately labeled the Mistress of Disaster, in part due to her role as Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae.
Michele Bachmann has said that the media is choosing the Republican candidate for 2012. Thus far, Congresswoman Bachmann is nothing short of correct.
The progressives, both Republican and Democrat, are carving up the playing field so each side fields a candidate that allows the game to continue to be played. Playing games is exactly what the electorate in this country is tired of, but it is important to note the establishment of both of these parties is not interested in what the electorate thinks, just expanding control over them.
Seeking a candidate who is an ejection from the system is the most attractive in my view, and that type of candidate is who they will stop at just about nothing to prohibit from winning. Think outside the box, and do not let the media poison your mind while these candidates, each far superior to Obama, stand in the line of fire.
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