Examples of great leadership include but are not limited to establishing preparation, discipline and execution in demonstrating for others how individual effort can be maximized in achieving in efficiency individual and team goals. Upon success, the leader typically defers the accolades for those in command or partnership. Whether speaking about the offensive line as a running back, the pit crew and sponsors as a NASCAR driver, or Generals leading a groups of fearless young men in battle, you never hear in the victory interviews or speeches about what a great effort the leader made. These leaders credit their team, delecting praise from themselves men and leading with dignity.
Then, we elected a President bathing in narcissism. Although this is frequently visible with Obama, his recent speech on the anniversary of the killing of Bin Laden and subsequent political ad reached new lows. Outside of never breathing the word victory, it is, and always has been, about him. Veterans groups are none to pleased, and rightfully so. Take a listen:
Certainly, as Commander in Chief, the final call on operations like taking out Osama Bin Laden rest with President, as Obama deserves due credit for making that call. While that is adequately noted, reports indicate when told of the opportunity, Obama said he had to sleep on the decision and upon implementation of the event, was summoned from the golf course to oversee from a chair the operation.
Never mind that Obama opposed the war as a Senator and was in opposition to most all of the techniques utilized in the gathering of intelligence to find and execute Bin Laden. Now, Obama, who thankfully is in real trouble in his re-election campaign, feels compelled to use this success as a feather in his cap as Commander in Chief. Obama thinks that Americans view him as the integral factor in getting Bin Laden, when we all know it was our brave heroes among the NAVY SEAL Team.
It has been Obama and his left wing cohorts who have made life much more difficult for those in combat, principally through heavily restricting rules of engagement. Contrary to common sense, the administration is not in it to win it.
The Obama administration has been operating outside the channels of our government for some time, increasingly running roughshod over a weak Congress and a complicit media. Through the CZARS, who are not accountable to anyone but the President, to governmental agencies roughing up our citizens through regulatory action, it is clear the objective of this government it to move into a dictatorship operating system.
With the regime aspiring to have the sovereignty of America lost to global rule under a United Nations blanket, (See Agenda 21), one could conclude Obama has his sights set on more than the US Presidency. Stop laughing.
While you think Obama is a weak leader who speaks strongly and carries a small stick, he has a strong backing of those who aim for anarchy, Marxism and/or Socialism. With another term, America will likely become a stronger version of Venezuela with BHO in charge, which will place our military heroes in increasing danger.
After all, it is not about us, but about him. All about him.
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